Current Medical Law: Active Euthanasia – Why Not in Germany?

Current Medical Law: Active Euthanasia – Why Not in Germany?

Last year, Portugal took the step of legalizing active euthanasia, joining other European neighboring countries. Liberalization trends are also visible in other nations; in the Benelux countries, limited legalization has long been a societal reality. The strengthening of the right to self-determination thus appears to be a global trend.

In Germany, active euthanasia is still punishable under § 216 of the Criminal Code (StGB) as so-called "killing on request." However, according to a study conducted by the Allensbach Institute for Public Opinion Research (2014), two-thirds of the surveyed population in Germany support its legalization. In contrast, the medical profession, considering its ethical obligations, predominantly rejects the idea.

Can such a majority will of the population, taking into account the high value of individual self-determination, justify a (limited) legalization of active euthanasia? Can the Hippocratic Oath truly outweigh the will of the individual? And how do the legal, ethical, and cultural situations in Germany differ from those countries that have already taken the step to legalize active euthanasia?

To address these and other questions surrounding active euthanasia, the Center for Medical Law, in cooperation with ELSA – European Law Students Association, invites you to an online panel discussion titled “Current Medical Law: Active Euthanasia – Why Not in Germany?”

This event will take place on July 10, 2024, at 7:00 PM (sharp) via Zoom. Renowned experts in the fields of medical ethics, medical law, and patient advocacy will participate in the discussion.

The panelists include:

- Prof. Dr. med. Dr. Phil. Ralf J. Jox: Professor of Medical Ethics and Geriatric Palliative Care, Director of the Institute for Medical Humanities, University Hospital and University of Lausanne, Switzerland
- Prof. Dr. Josef Franz Lindner: Chair of Public Law, Medical Law, and Legal Philosophy, Executive Director of the Institute for Bio-, Health-, and Medical Law at the University of Augsburg
- Prof. Robert Roßbruch: President of the German Society for Humane Dying, Honorary Professor for Health and Nursing Law at the University of Applied Sciences for Economics and Technology of the Saarland

The event will be moderated by Prof. Dr. iur. Gunnar Duttge, Managing Director of the Göttingen Center for Medical Law and Head of the Department for Criminal Medical and Bio Law at the Georg-August University of Göttingen.

Access is available via this link: [](

After the discussion, there will be an opportunity to ask questions to the panel.

Medizinrecht Aktuell 10.07.24