Registration to Developments in Modern Mathematics:
the 2nd WiMGo conference

Preferred pronoun *
First Name *
Last Name *
University (Affiliation) *
Title *
E-Mail *
Indicate in which session you mainly like to participate? *
Is there another session in which you would like to participate? *


Would you like to give a talk? *
If yes, in which session would you like to present?
Preliminary title of your proposed talk
Short abstract of your proposed talk
Would you like to present a poster? *
Preliminary title of your proposed poster


Some limited financial support is available for young participants in the form of accommodation. Would you like our administrative staff to make a hotel reservation for you? *
Arrival Date *
Departure Date *
Double room if possible with:


During the conference, there will be a conference dinner taking place on Wednesday 4th September. Would you like to participate to our social dinner? *
Do you have any dietary restriction? *
If other, Please specify


A profession childcare service will be freely available at the conference venue for both speakers
and participants, upon explicit request. Please note that if you wish to use this service, you must
register and inform us by Sunday, 4th August!

Would you like to use our professional childcare service? *
Number of children
Age of the child/children



By submitting this form, you confirm that you have read and accept our Privacy Policy.

* Mandatory field