Stefan Buchinger, M.Sc.
Curriculum Vitae
Professional Activities- Since 09.2024: Research Assistant at the Chair of Financial Accounting und Sustainability Reporting, Georg-August-University of Göttingen
- 03.2023 - 10.2023: Working Student HLB Consilia GmbH WPG, Passau
(audit/tax/company valuation) - 01.2022 - 04.2022: Internship HLB Consilia GmbH WPG, Passau
- 10.2020 - 09.2024: Student Assistant at the Assistant Professorship of Business Admin. with a focus on Accounting (Prof. Dr. Vanessa Flagmeier), University of Passau Passau
Academic Background
- 04.2022 - 09.2024: Master's Program (M.Sc.) Business Administration with focs on Accounting, Finance & Taxation, University of Passau
- 10.2021 - 03.2022: Mastes's Program Finance & Accounting, Johannes-Kepler-University Linz
- 10.2017 - 03.2021: Bachelor's Program (B.Sc.) Business Administration & Economics with a focus on Accounting, Finance & Taxation and 2nd foreign language Spanish, University of Passau
- Schmid, S., Wagner, K. und Buchinger, S. (in publication): Greenwashing in der Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung - Eine Analyse deutscher börsennotierter Unternehmen, Die Wirtschaftsprüfung (WPg)
- Accompanying Tutorial to the Lecture Financial Statements (Bachelor, German)
- Accompanying Tutorial to the Lecture Financial Reporting under IFRS (Master, German)
- Accounting-Seminar (Bachelor/Master)
- Theses