Prof. Dr. Maja Apelt

Maja Apelt (she/her) is Professor of Organizational and Administrative Sociology at the University of Potsdam. She has led several organizational sociology DFG and BMBF projects, including on equality and equal treatment in the military, on inter-organizational cooperation to establish security at the airport, on organizational implications of digitalization, on dealing with the body in the field of tension between organization and immigration (Bodyrules, together with Ines Michalowski - University of Münster - and Liane Schenk - Charité) and currently on the transformation of care in the field of tension between migration and academization (CareTrans, also in cooperation with Liane Schenk - Charité). She studied sociology and economics at the Humboldt University in Berlin and the Lomonossov University in Moscow, completed her doctorate at the University of Lüneburg and habilitated at the Helmut Schmidt University in Hamburg. Her research focuses primarily on diversity and organization, qualitative social research and military sociology.