Häring, Matthias, Dr.
Major Research Interests
As the head of the "Developmental Dynamics" division within the Depatment "Physics of Biological Systems" at CIDBN, my research focuses on quantitative and theoretical approaches to developmental systems, aiming to decipher the mechanisms of mechanical signaling at the cell membrane.
Recent advances highlight that epithelial cells integrate information from mechanical forces and geometrical constraints alongside genetic cues. Our group investigates how mechanical signaling organizes collective dynamics in developing epithelia. To explore this, we study the dynamics of networks of cells during tissue morphogenesis in Drosophila, working in close collaboration with experimentalists. By combining insights from microscopic biological organization with principles from non-equilibrium statistical physics and active matter theory, we aim to uncover the fundamental rules of self-organization in morphogenesis. Central to our work is the development of quantitative methods grounded in theories of stochastic processes and dynamical systems, as well as information theory, and machine learning.
Currently, our primary focus is on mechanosensitive calcium signaling in epithelial cells, the nanoscopic organization of core adhesion proteins at the cell membrane and symmetry-breaking mechanisms that drive force generation during morphogenesis

[Recordings by Deqing Kong, Qiyan Wang and Jörg Großhans. Pipeline sketch courtesy of Parsa Hariri.]
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