From Assigned Topic to Personal Passion: How to Navigate Your Research Journey with Meaning and Confidence

when: May 8, 2025 (14:00-18:00) & May 9, 2025 (09:00-13:00)
where: Heyne-Haus, Papendiek 16, 37073 Göttingen
lecturer: Dr. Kerstin Mauth

Working on a project does not necessarily mean that you "just" do your assigned task without any space for creativity and without shaping this project. Even a project that someone else has planned can become your own. The workshop serves to strengthen identification with your own project and to stand up for your own ideas. In this workshop we will tackle the following topics:

  • individual motivation
  • dealing with uncertainties, crisis, and doubt (and how to stay focussed nevertheless)
  • setting bounderies and how to say "no"
  • identifying your own ressources and talents
  • balance between independence and support