Exam course in civil law VI: Civil procedural law
Details: Lecture, 1 hour per week
Number in Stud.IP: 430162
Time and place:
The event will take place on 16.04., 23.04., 30.04., 07.05., 14.05., 21.05. and 04.06.2025 each two hours from 10 a.m. c.t. in MED30.
The exam course in civil law: civil procedure law is part of the Göttingen exam course and is aimed at students preparing for the first law exam. Information on this course can be found in Stud.IP, information on the Göttingen exam course at www.goettinger-examenskurs.de.
Recommended literature:
Working documents, literature references and all other information on the course will be made available via Stud.IP.