Prof. Dr. Emilie Macé

  • 2004–2007: Engineering Degree, Ecole Supérieure de Physique et de Chimie Industrielles (ESPCI), Paris, France
  • 2007–2008: Master in Bioimaging Sciences (with distinction), Imperial College London, London, UK
  • March 2012: PhD in Physics (with highest honors), Langevin Institute, Université Paris Diderot, Paris, France
  • 2012–2014: Postdoctoral Fellow at the Vision Institute, Paris, France
  • 2015–2019: Human Frontiers Science Program (HFSP) Postdoctoral Fellow at the Friedrich Miescher Institute, Basel, Switzerland
  • 2019–2022: Group leader, Max Planck Institute of Biological Intelligence, Munich, Germany
  • Since 2023: Professor of Dynamics of Excitable Cell Networks at Universitätsmedizin Göttingen, Germany

Major Research Interests

The Macé lab addresses how brain-wide networks interact to produce a particular behavior. We use functional ultrasound imaging to follow neuronal activity in the whole mouse brain. We combine this technique with targeted genetic circuit manipulations and electrophysiological measurements. One goal is to better understand how cognitive processes, such as behavioral switching, arise in the brain across multiple scales and uncover dysfunctions of these networks in psychiatric disorders. Our lab also studies visual processing and develops innovative optogenetic strategies against blindness to restore visual perception.

Homepage Department/Research Group

Selected Recent Publications

  • [Preprint] Siegenthaler D, Denny H, Skromne Carrasco S, Mayer JL, Peyrache A*, Trenholm S*, Macé E* (2024). Visual objects refine head direction coding. bioRxiv. DOI: 10.1101/2024.10.21.619417v2
  • Edelman BJ*#, Siegenthaler D*, Wanken P, Jenkins B, Schmid B, Ressle A, Gogolla N, Frank T, Macé E# (2024). The COMBO window: A chronic cranial implant for multiscale circuit interrogation in mice. PLOS Biology. 22(6). DOI: 10.1371/journal.pbio.3002664.
  • Montaldo G, Urban A., Macé E (2022). Functional ultrasound neuroimaging. Annual Review of Neuroscience 45:491-513. DOI: 10.1146/annurev-neuro-111020-100706.
  • Brunner C*, Grillet M*, Urban A, Roska B, Montaldo G#, Macé E# (2021). Whole-brain functional ultrasound imaging in awake head-fixed mice. Nat Protoc 16(7): 3547-3571. DOI: 10.1038/s41596-021-00548-8.
  • Macé E, Montaldo G, Trenholm S, Cowan C, Brignall A, Urban A, Roska B (2018). Whole-brain functional ultrasound imaging reveals brain modules for visuomotor integration. Neuron 100(5):1241-1251.e7. DOI: 10.1016/j.neuron.2018.11.031