
| Head |
| Scientists | Affiliated Scientists |
| Administration | Technique | Computing |

  • Head

    Prof. Dr. Christoph Kleinn |  |  Contact person for final theses
    Remote Sensing, Forest Inventory and Assessment, Sampling Techniques, Statistical Research Methods
    Room 1.117, Phone 39 23473

  • Administration | Secretariat

    Silvia Wagner |
    Room 1.113, Phone 39 23472 (Fax 39 29787)
    Office Hours:  Monday to Friday     09 a.m. - 12 a.m.
     Wednesday No office hours

  • Scientists

    M.Sc. Muluken Nega Bazezew |
    [DAAD-Grant "Research Grants - Doctoral Programmes in Germany"]
    E t h i o p i a
    Laser scanning applications in tree crown biomass modeling
    Room 1.103A, Phone 39 23472

    M.Sc. Ryan Carroll |
    [EU PathFinder: Integrated Forest Monitoring and Pathway Assessment system]
    U S A
    Forest inventory design optimization for remote sensing integration and modelling
    Room 1.112, Phone 39 23472

    Dr. Lutz Fehrmann |  |  Contact person for final theses
    Biomass Modelling, Inventory Methods (Point-to-Tree Distance Sampling), Information Systems
    [Ph.D Thesis, PDF]
    Room 1.107, Phone 39 23826

    M.Sc. Max Freudenberg |
    Tree Species Detection in Remote Sensing Data
    Room 1.105, Phone 39 23476

    Dr. Hans Fuchs  |  |  Contact person for final theses
    Remote Sensing - Applications in Forestry, Digital Image Processing, Geographic Information Systems
    [Ph.D. Thesis PDF]
    Room 1.114, Phone 39 23469

    M.Sc. Nils
    DFG project "Horizontal biomass distribution"
    Room 1.112, Phone 39 23472

    M.Sc. Mary
    [Forestry iii Programm of KfW, the German Development Bank]
    U S A
    Biodiversity and Climate Management in the Lore Lindu National Park of Sulawesi, Indonesia
    Room 1.112, Phone 39 23472

    M.Sc. Edwine Setia Purnama |
    [DAAD-Grant "Research Grants - Doctoral Programmes in Germany"]
    I n d o n e s i a
    Remote sensing, Land cover modelling
    Room 1.105, Phone 39 23476

    M.Sc. Adrian Straker
    Remote Sensing, LiDAR
    Room 1.156, Phone 39 29572

  • Affiliated Scientists

    Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Klaus von Gadow (i.R.) |
    Phone 39 23472 (Secretariat)

    Prof. Dr. Arne Pommerening |
    Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet (SLU) | Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
    Room 1.153A, Phone 39 23472 (Secretariat)

  • Technique

    Room 1.160, Phone 39 21226 (Factory: 39 23589)

  • Computing

    Hendrik Heydecke | HHeydec@gwdg:de
    Room 1.161, Phone 39 21221