Tools | Devices

Measuring Tools | DendrometerS |

Lending Measurement Instruments

Room 1.160 | Phone 39 21226 |

Some of our measurement devices were provided with financial support of the faculty. Those devices could be borrowed for scientific purposes or in context of Bachelor- and Master thesis at our department. For requests from students from other departments, we kindly ask for a confirmation of the respective supervisor. Please contact Mr. Schlote for questions about availability. For details on borrowing of measurement devices (PDF-Document) see here.

KRAMER's Dendrometer II | 01-05-2024

After more than 40 years, we discontinued production of the pocket dendrometer designed by Prof. Kramer at our institute some decades ago and will unfortunately no longer be producing nor selling this useful device in future.

Please note that the remaining stock has already been sold off!

Originally, Kramer's idea was to develop a low-cost alternative for angle count sampling as introduced by Walter Bitterlich (instead of the very expensive mirror relascope) and to offer this device for scientific purposes and for students. His pocket dendrometer is ingenious and simple and has spread worldwide over the past decades.

The first designs for the dendrometer date back to 1975 and were revised in 1982 and 84. It has been produced in unchanged form since then. Over more than 40 years we have sold more than 50,000 dendrometers to students and sent them to almost all parts of the world. The "Göttingen bottle opener" is known and used worldwide. Every single one of these dendrometers has been manufactured with great care in several steps and by hand.

If you are the proud owner of such an original dendrometer, cherish it!