About us
Quantum thermalization, localization, and constrained dynamics with interacting ultracold atoms
FOR 5522 investigates the out-of-equilibrium physics of closed quantum many-body systems and their thermalization properties. We use a combined effort of experiments with ultracold atoms in optical lattices and theoretical approaches. Our team involves researchers from the Universities of Augsburg, Göttingen, München, and Tübingen, Technical University of Munich, the Max-Planck Institute for Quantum Optics, Garching, and the Max-Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden, as well as two Mercator fellows from the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, and Stanford University, U.S.A.
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Ergodic systems
- Eigenstate Thermalization Hypothesis
- Transport
- Anomalous Diffusion
Figure taken from:
Phys. Rev. A 90, 033606 (2014)
Ergodic closed systems are those that thermalize under their own dynamics,
i.e., independent of initial conditions, the time-dependent expectation
values of local observables are equal to the thermal expectation values at
practically all times. The best-accepted criterion to decide whether a given
system is ergodic is the eigenstate thermalization hypothesis (ETH, see
Deutsch Phys. Rev. A 43, 2046 (1991) and Srednicki, Phys. Rev. E 50, 888
(1994)) which implies that expectation values computed in eigenstates of
generic systems are thermal. Therefore, we define ergodicity of a quantum
system as the validity of ETH. The second important notion is quantum chaos:
in essentially all generic basis sets, the eigenstates of Hamiltonians have
the properties of those of random matrices.

Ergodic systems
- Eigenstate Thermalization Hypothesis
- Transport
- Anomalous Diffusion
Figure taken from: Phys. Rev. A 90, 033606 (2014)
Our research in the context of ergodic systems focuses on the relevant time scales, commonly referred to as Thouless times, the calculation of transport properties, the comparison of notions of many-body baths, and minimal models for ergodicity and quantum chaos based on quantum circuits.
Constrained Dynamics
- Hilbert Space Fragmentation
- Kinetically Constrained Models
- Lattice Gauge Theories
Picture from F. Pollmann
Quantum systems with constrained dynamics summarily describe systems where
typically transitions between states are not simply single-particle
processes but depend on the many-body sector. Physical systems that cause
such constraints are dipole conservation and the gauge constraints in
lattice gauge theories, yet a large class of models called kinetically
constrained models is inherited from classical models (e.g., from spin
glasses). Systems with constraints can cause the emergence of quantum scars,
tower of eigenstates with sub-volume law scaling and typically a constant
energy difference. Alternatively, Hilbert-space fragmentation can occur
where in certain basis sets, exponentially many disconnected sub-blocks
emerge. These systems can be either realizations of weak or strong
nonergodic behavior. Our research on systems with constrained dynamics aims
at developing setups with experimental realizations, understanding the
crossover between weak ergodicity and ETH on the one hand and with MBL on
the other hand, and finally, elucidating their unusual transport properties.

Constrained Dynamics
- Hilbert Space Fragmentation
- Kinetically Constrained Models
- Lattice Gauge Theories
Picture from F. Pollmann
Many-Body Localization
- Uncorrelated Disorder
- Stark-MBL
- New Forms of MBL
Figure taken from:
Science 352, 1547 (2016)
The best-studied candidate system for nonergodic dynamics is many-body
localization (MBL). In this putative state of matter, all eigenstates
violate ETH and memory of initial conditions would never be lost, even in
local measurements. In its standard incarnation, this interacting state of
matter is stabilized by disorder and MBL emerges as adiabatically out of an
Anderson insulator and is characterized by particle-like conserved
quantities (often called l-bits). While quantum gas experiments demonstrated
metastable dynamics of interacting atoms in the presence of disorder
consistent with MBL, the stability of MBL is still under debate. Our
research aims at exploring the boundaries of the stability of MBL and more
importantly, we are investigating novel forms of localization that can arise
due to linear potentials (Stark-MBL) and in fractonic systems.

Many-Body Localization
- Uncorrelated Disorder
- Stark-MBL
- New Forms of MBL
Figure taken from: Science 352, 1547 (2016)
Quantum Gas Experiments
- Rb Quantum Gas Microscope
- Cs Quantum Gas Microscope
- Yb LGT experiment
- Er-Li mixture
Picture from C. Groß
Closed quantum systems are best realized in quantum simulators. Our platform
of choice are ultra-cold atoms in optical lattices. The basic interactions
are short-range and therefore, the relevant models are Hubbard models and
derivatives. We extensively use the technology of quantum gas microscopy
with three different atomic species. Rubidium is the best studied system
while Cesium and Ytterbium offer additional tunability via additional
internal states and Feshbach resonances. These systems are well suited to
study relaxation dynamics, transport, disorder physics and constrained
dynamics by utilizing superlattice techniques, additional potentials and
local addressing and readout. In parallel, we work with mixtures of two
species with an extreme mass imbalance, specifically Erbium and Lithium,
which we plan to utilize to study slow dynamics due to this mass-imbalance.

Quantum Gas Experiments
- Rb Quantum Gas Microscope
- Cs Quantum Gas Microscope
- Yb LGT experiment
- Er-Li mixture
Picture from C. Groß
Steering Committee
Picture from S. Hardt

Steering Committee
Picture from S. Hardt
Name | Institution | Function |
Daniel Adler | MPQ Garching | Student Representative |
Monika Aidelsburger | LMU Munich | Equal Opportunities, Diversity, Gender Equality |
Christian Groß | Universität Tübingen | - |
Fabian Heidrich-Meisner | Universität Göttingen | Spokesperson |
Markus Heyl | Universität Augsburg | RDM Representative |
Frank Pollmann | TU Munich | - |