Running project

PhD Topic
Effects of forest disturbance on bird and moth communities and strategies to increase their diversity in future forests

Curriculum Vitae

Since 2021 PhD Student
funded by Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU)
Department of Conservation Biology, University of Göttingen

07/2020-12/2020 Researcher
Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten e.V. (DDA)

01/2020-07/2020 Freelance landscape ecologist

2012–2019 Bachelor and Master in Landscape Ecology
Institute of Landscape Ecology, University of Münster

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Graser A., Georg M., Kallmayer J., Marten A., Pertl C., Rumpf H., Senf C., Kamp J. 2025. Large-scale forest disturbance and associated management shape bird communities in Central European spruce forests. Journal of Applied Ecology (early view):

Graser A., Kelling M., Pabst R., Schulz M., Hölzel N., Kamp J. 2023. Habitat quality, not patch isolation, drives distribution and abundance of two light-demanding butterflies in fragmented coppice landscapes. Journal of Insect Conservation 11: 1078649.