Bachelor thesis

General application information

Application period

1 to 15 February, 1 to 15 June and 1 to 15 October of each year.

Application prerequisites
  • A successfully completed research seminar at the faculty
  • At least one elective course in business informatics or marketing
Course of Studies
  • Bachelor of Science in Business
  • Bachelor of Science in Business Information Systems
Required application documents
  • Current grade excerpt from FlexNow
  • Filled application form (will be activated at the respective application periods)
Further notes
  • If you have successfully completed our bachelor seminar, we will offer you the supervision of your Bachelor thesis. Nevertheless, please fill out the application form and send your FlexNow grade sheet by e-mail.
  • All bachelor theses must be written in English

If you are interested in a bachelor thesis at the chair and fulfill all application requirements, please fill the application form and send your FlexNow grade sheet within the application period via e-mail to

Process for a bachelor thesis

A typical bachelor thesis process follows the following steps:

Current bachelor thesis topics

Title Methode Supervisor
When Do We Take Responsibility for AI? Literature Review Richard Henkenjohann
How Do We Interact with Generative AI? Online Survey / Experiment Method Richard Henkenjohann
What is that AI doing anyways? What it means to be “Out Of The Loop” Literature Review Richard Henkenjohann
Understanding the Antecendents and Outcomes of Data Ecosystem Legitimacy Literature Review Jonas Nienstedt & Laura Detels
Understanding the Concept of Power in Information Systems Research Literature Review Jonas Nienstedt & Laura Detels
Who Let the WATCH_DOGS out? A Literature Review on (Participatory) Surveillance in Information Systems Research Literature Review Laura Detels
Are We Really All in This Together? Understanding the Antecedents of Digital Inequality and the Role of Marginalized Groups in Information Systems Research Literature Review Laura Detels

You have your own idea for a bachelor thesis in the subject area of the professorship? Please feel free to contact us!