Careers and Studies after Euroculture

Due to the interdisciplinarity of the Erasmus Mundus Master's Programme Euroculture, students upon graduation work in a huge variety of sectors. A number of our students have also undertaken further studies, mostly on the doctorate level.

Below is a sample list of places where our former Euroculture students have worked or continued their studies or currently work / study (this list is substantial but still selective in scope):


  • Media Consulta International Holding AG, Berlin, Germany
  • SALTO Project Assistant at "Jugend für Europa", the German National Agency for the "Youth in Action Programme" of the EU, Germany
  • Editor for foreign TV-programme data at the Dutch National Public Broadcasting Corporation (NOS), the Netherlands
  • Programme specialist in the division for culture for the national focal point of the UNESCO Convention on the diversity of cultural expressions, Germany
  • German Commission for UNESCO, Bonn, Germany
  • SIRVA Moving Services, Prague, Czech Republic
  • Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, Hilversum (Dutch Public Broadcasting Organisation), the Netherlands
  • Colo, Zoetermeer, International Credential Evaluation Department, the Netherlands
  • SALTO Training and Cooperation Resource Centre, Bonn, Germany
  • Office for Economic and Commercial Affairs – Spanish Consulate – Düsseldorf, Germany
  • ICEX (Spanish Institute of Foreign Trade) – Foreign Trade Territorial Division of Aragón – Zaragoza, Spain
  • Voss Guide Service, Voss, Norway
  • Nederlands Jeugdinstituut Internationaal, Youth in Action, the Netherlands
  • Taalcnetrum-VU, the Netherlands
  • Foreign Policy Association, the Republic of Moldova (NGO)
  • Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, the Republic of Moldova
  • ICUnet. AG in Passau, Bavaria, Germany
  • Atos Origin India, Mumbai, India


  • Cultural Manager at the German Minority in Oppeln, Poland in the IFA, Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen, Germany
  • Representative of City of Toruń in the Information Office of Kujawsko-Pomorskie Region in Brussels, Belgium
  • German Bundestag, (The International Parliamentary Scholarship) Berlin, Germany
  • French Embassy. Wirtschafts- und Handelsabteilung in Düsseldorf, Germany


  • PhD, Södertörns University, Sweden
  • Center for European Integration Studies, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Germany
  • Euroculture Office(s), Georg-Herwegh-Oberschule, Gymnasium, Berlin, Germany
  • Ulm University, Ulm, Germany
  • James Boswell Institute, Utrecht University, the Netherlands
  • Universiteit Twente, the Netherlands
  • Studying for a Competition (Concours) for EU translators, Paris, France
  • Post-Degree Scholarship of the ICEX (Spanish Institute of Foreign Trade), Barcelona, Spain
  • Taking "concours" to become a civil servant, especially to become "attaché territorial", Strasbourg, France
  • Programme Assistant (MA in European Studies), Germany
  • PhD in Political Sciences in Istanbul, Turkey
  • Lecturer in the department for Intercultural German Language and Literature Studies, German as a Foreign Language, Göttingen, Germany
  • PhD Programme “Generations in History”, Göttingen, Germany