Christina Norwig

Nationality: German

Home Uni: Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany WiSe 2006/2007
Host Uni: University of Udine, Italy SuSe 2007

Education Background:
Bachelor of Arts in European Cultural History. Universität Augsburg

Master Thesis Topic:
From Islamic Rationalism to Euro-Islam

Internship (Time, place, description)
Uni Göttingen, Insititut für interkulturelle Kommunikation: internship as a tutor for foreign students.
Contact person: Katharina Cherubim, e-mail:

Work Experience (after Euroculture programme graduation)
May,2008—current: SALTO Training and Cooperation Resource Centre, located at "Jugend für Europa", German National Agency for the "Youth in Action" Programme of the EU/ Bonn

Further information:
“I would say that the National Agencies for "Youth in Action" in the different Programme Countries are attractive work places for Euroculture graduates. Intercultural ompetence is one of the most important skills needed in the field - and we have it! If you don't have any previous work experience, your chances might be better if you apply for assistant jobs. Look out for job vacancies on the website of the National Agency of your country!”