Prof. Dr. FAN, Jin

Department of Chinese Language and Literature

East China Normal University

Dongchuan Road 500, 200241 Shanghai

Tel: 021-37198315





12/2003, Doctorate of Arts, Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Wuhan University

Dissertation topic: Influence of German Literature and Development of Self Consciousness of Chinese Writers in the 20th Century

Advisor: Prof. Yi Zhuxian; Prof. Martin Bollacher (Uni. Bochum)


10/2001-10/2003, joint training doctoral student, Germanistisches Institut, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany


07/1996, Master of Arts, Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Wuhan University

Thesis topic: Guo Moruo and German Literature

Advisor: Prof. Yi Zhuxian


07/1993, Bachelor of Arts, Department of History, Wuhan University


Certificate of German: Zentrale Oberstufenprüfung, Goethe-Institut, Göttingen (2001), Score: "Sehr gut"

Certificate of English: College English Test-6, Wuhan University (1992)



2018, Young Scholar of Changjiang River (青年长江学者)

2014, Grant of Shanghai Shuguang Talent Program (上海市曙光学者)

2013, Grant of Leading Talents Program of Minghang-District, Shanghai (上海市闵行区领军人才)

2012, Prize for Shanghai Outstanding Achievements of Philosophy and Social sciences

2010, Huo Yingdong Prize for Young University Lecturer

2009, Prize for Excellent Monograph of Humanities at East China Normal University

07/2009-06/2010, Visiting Scholarship of CSC (China Scholarship Council)

2008, Prize for Excellent Lecturer of East China Normal University

2003, Feng Zhi-Prize for Research on German Literature (冯至德语文学研究奖)

10/2001-10/2003, Sandwich-Stipendium vom DAAD

2000, Doctoral Fellowship of Academia Sinica



07/2013, Full Professor of Comparative and World Literature, East China Normal University

10/2012, Director of Institute of Comparative and World Literature, East China Normal University

01/2009, Associate Professor of Comparative and World Literature, East China Normal University

07/2009-06/2010, Visiting Scholar, University of Trier, Germany

04/2004-12/2008, Lecturer, East China Normal University

07/1996-08/1998, Employee, Industry and Trade Bureau, Qingdao



2017 to present, Vice Chairman of Shanghai Comparative Literature Association

2017 to present, Secretary-General of Chinese Comparative Literature and Cross-Cultural Research Society

2014, Council Member, Chinese Comparative Literature Association

2013 to present, Editorial Board Member, Exégèse: Journal of Contemporary Studies in Applied Literary Theory

2009 to present, Editorial Board Member, 现代中文学刊 (Journal of Modern Chinese)

2009-2013, Assessor of China Scholarship Council




2019-, Research on the Application of Luhmanns Systems Theory in Shaping the “World Literature Framework. Project sponsored by Guojia Shehui Kexue Jijin (National Social Science Fund).

2012-2018, Overseas Genesis of Literature China: On the History of Chinese Literature Studies in Germany. Project sponsored by Guojia Shehui Kexue Jijin (National Social Science Fund).

2005-2010, Formation of Richard Wilhelm’s China-Discourse and Its Impact on the Sino-German Communication. Project sponsored by Guojia Shehui Kexue Jijin (National Social Science Fund).

2009-2013, Scholarship in Foreign Literature for Sixty Years in New China. I was a member of a research group led by Prof. Chen Jianhua at ECNU. This is a “Major Project” of Guojia Shehui Kexue Jijin (National Social Science Fund).



a)                   Books


Fan, Jin (2019):《从符号到系统:跨文化观察的方法》(From Signs to Systems: Method of Cross-Cultural Observation). Shanghai: Fudan University Press.


Fan, Jin (2011): 卫礼贤之名对一个边际文化符码的考察 (The Name of Richard Wilhelm: Survey on a Borderline Cultural Code). Shanghai: East China Normal University Press. 467pp.

Winner of the Prize for Shanghai Outstanding Achievements of Philosophy and Social Sciences, 2012


Fan, Jin (2008): 德语文学符码和现代中国作家的自我问题 (German Literary Codes and the Self Problematic of Modern Chinese Writers). Shanghai: East China Normal University Press. 291 pp.

Winner of the Prize for Excellent Monograph of Humanities at East China Normal University, 2009


b)                  Articles in Journals


Fan, Jin (2021):德国的中国文学研究的运作机制(The Operational Mechanism of Chinese Literature Research in Germany. In:人文杂志(Journal of humanism), 2021, No. 12.


Fan, Jin (2021):能否信任黑箱?——《弗兰肯斯坦》中的阅读共同体理想(Can the black box be trusted? ——The Ideal of Reading Community in Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein. In:外国文学评论(Foreign Literature Review), 2021, No. 2.


Fan, Jin (2021):走出去悖论与文学交流的系统特性——以二战后东西德的茅盾研究为例The Paradox of "Going Out" and Literary Communication as System Operation——Taking Mao Dun-Scholarship in East and West Germany after World War II as an example. In:《小说评论》(Review on Novels), 2021, No. 4.


Fan, Jin (2020):德语区的李杜之争(The Debate on Evaluation of Li Bai and Du Fu in German-speaking Areas. In: 文学评论 (Literary Review), 2020, No. 6.


Fan, Jin (2020):当代德国汉学关于中国认知的元方法论之争(The Meta-Methodological Debate in Contemporary German Sinology on How to Know China.In:《上海交通大学学报》(Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University), 2020, No. 4.


Fan, Jin (2020):世界文学家孔子:德国文学史系统的孔子塑造(Confucius as Writer of World Literature: Confucius' Shaping in German Literary History System. In:社会科学(Social Science), 2020, No. 6.


Fan, Jin (2020):中国文学史的世界文学起源——基于德国19世纪以来世界文学史书写的系统论考察The World Literature Origin of Chinese Literature History——Based on a Systems-theoretical Investigation of the Writing of World Literature History in Germany since the 19th Century. In: 文艺研究 (Literature and Art Studies), 2020, No. 2.


Fan, Jin (2019):《肉蒲团》事件与中国文学的域外发生The Rou Pu Tuan-event and Overseas Emergence of Chinese Literature. In: 中国比较文学 (Comparative Literature in China), 2019, No. 3.

Fan, Jin (2019):民主德国的中国文学研究——一个系统论视角(Research on Chinese Literature in DDR: A Perspective of Systems Theory),《中国文学研究》2019年第2


Fan, Jin (2018):文学中国的内在结构——德国的中国文学史书写The Inner Structure of "Literary China": The Writing of History of Chinese Literature in Germany. In: 文学评论 (Literary Review), 2018, No. 6.


Fan, Jin (2018):鲁迅研究在德国Lu Xun Research in Germany. In: 文艺研究 (Literature and Art Studies), 2018, No. 1.

Fan, Jin (2016):卫礼贤的柏拉图批判——“致中和作为世界治理策略Wilhelm Wilhelm's Critique of Plato - "Reaching the Middle and Harmony" as a Strategy of World Governance. In: 江汉论坛(Jianghan Tribune),2016, No. 12.


Fan, Jin (2015): 格里高尔的抽象的法:重读《变形记》(Gregor’s Abstract Law”: Rereading Verwandlung ). In:外国文学评论(Foreign Literature Review), 2015, No. 4.


Fan, Jin (2015): 诗学与系统性(Poetics and Systemacity). In:人文杂志(Journal of humanism), 2015, No.12.


Fan, Jin (2015): 外国文学研究的元方法论——一个系统论视角(Metamethodolgy of Foreign Literature Research: A Perspective of Systems Theory). In:杭州师范大学学报(Journal of Hangzhou Normal University), 2015, No.1.


Fan, Jin (2015): 作为后理论实践的诗学(Poetics as a post-theoretical Practice). In:人文杂志(Journal of humanism), 2015, No.1, 75-86.


Fan, Jin (2013): 诗学与先锋精神:模糊性的理论价值(“Poetics” and Avant-garde Spirit: Theoretical Value of the Fuzziness). In:上海师范大学学报(Journal of Shanghai Normal University), 2013, No.11, 78-84.


Fan, Jin (2013): “The Semiotic Significance of Chinese Space”, Neohelicon, 2013, No.2, 543-558.


Fan, Jin (2013):中国符号与荣格的整体性心理学——以荣格的两个中国文本为例(Jung’s psychology of wholeness and Chinese symbols) . In: 江汉论坛(Jianghan Tribune),2013, No.5, 107-112.


Fan, Jin (2013): 外国文学研究的元理论程序——一种外国文学学的尝试(Metatheoretical Procedure of Foreign Literature Research: A Step towards a Science of Foreign Literature). In:文艺理论研究(Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art), 2013, No.3, 81-89.


Fan, Jin (2013): 鲁迅形象在德国的最初建构——以两部早期的鲁迅博士论文为例(Initial Construction of Lu Xun-Image in Germany: A Study of Two Early Doctoral Theses on Lu Xun). In:社会科学(Social Science), 2013, No.5, 176-184.


Fan, Jin (2012): „Der Gottesdiskurs der chinesischen Literatur in den 1990er Jahren“, Minima Sinica, 2012, No.2, 74-95.


Fan, Jin (2012): 作为交往媒介的世界文学及其未来维度(World Literature as a Communication Media and its Future Dimension). In: 中国比较文学 (Comparative Literature in China), 2012, No.2, 19-32.


Fan, Jin (2011): 玻璃球游戏》,《易经》和新浪漫主义理想 (Glasperlenspiel, Book of Changes and Neo-Romantic Ideal). In: 中国比较文学 (Comparative Literature in China), 2011, No.3, 109-120.


Fan, Jin (2010): 为了一种新实证主义 (For a Neo-Positivism). In: 跨文化对话 (Transcultural Dialog) 2010, Vol. 27, 354-360.


Fan, Jin (2010): 歌德符码和浪漫主义者郭沫若的自我问题 (Goethe as a Code and the Self Problematic of Guo Moruo as a Romantic Writer), in: 天津社会科学 (Tianjing Social Sciences), 2010, No.2, 97-101.


Fan, Jin (2010): 中国空间的符号学意义 (The Semiotic Significance of a Chinese Space). In: 文艺理论研究 (Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art), 2010, No.1, 15-22.


Fan, Jin (2009): 形象与真相的悖论:写在顾彬和《二十世纪中国文学史》之间 (Paradox between “Bild” and Truth: Writing in between Wolfgang Kubin and His Chinese Literary History of 20th Century). In: 文学评论 (Literary Review), 2009, No.4, 162-167.


Fan, Jin (2009): 文学史中的符号流向和的框架:一种解决历史书写悖论的尝试 (Semantic Course in Literary History and Frame of “Yi” (Change): An Attempt to Solve Paradox in History Writing). In: 文艺研究 (Literature and Art Studies), 2009, No.3, 13-22.


Fan, Jin (2009): 睽与同 (Contrast and Community). In: 中文自学指导 (Reviews and Research on Chinese Literature), 2009, No.2, 13-19.


Fan, Jin (2008): 上海犹太流亡杂志《论坛》中的文学文本与文化身份建构 (Literary Texts in Shanghaier Jewish Exile Magazine Tribuene and Construction of Cultural Identity). In: 上海师范大学学报 (Journal of Shanghai Normal University), 2008, No.3, 121-127.


Fan, Jin (2007): 影响概念的符号化和后现代时代的比较文学 (The Semiotization of the Influence Concept and the Comparative Literature in Postmodern Era). In: 中国比较文学 (Comparative Literature in China), 2007, No.4, 1-20.


Fan, Jin (2007): 里尔克神话的形成与中国现代新诗中批评意识的转向 (Rilke-Myth and the Transformation of Critiscism of Chinese Modern New Poems). In: 文学评论 (Literary Review), 2007, No.5, 71-77.


Fan, Jin (2006): 二十世纪二三十年代德国汉学对胡适的接受 (The Reception of Hu Shi through the German Sinology in the 1920’s and 1930’s. In: 文艺理论研究 (Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art), 2006, No.4, 93-107.


Fan, Jin (2006): 残雪的卡夫卡解读策略体现的精神向度 (The Spiritual Orientation Manifested in Can Xue’s Strategies in Interpreting Kafka). In: 文学评论丛刊 (Literary Review Collection), 2006, Vol.9, 259-273.

Fan, Jin (2006): 胡适的一篇重要轶文 (An Important Essay of Hu Shi). In: 文艺理论研究 (Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art), 2005, No.3, 43-51.


Fan, Jin (2005): 想象空间中的位移和认识的两难以德国的中国文化想象的结构性变迁为例  (Displacement in the Imaginative Space and Dilemma of Knowledge: In the Case of Structural Change of the German Imagination on the Chinese Culture). In: 当代中国 (Contemporary China), Shanghai 2005, 112-122.


Fan, Jin (2000): 冯至与里尔克 (Feng Zhi und Rilke). In: 外国文学评论 (Foreign Literature Review), 2000, No.2, 120-128.


Fan, Jin (2000): 中国现代新诗中宇宙意识的嬗变 (Transformation of Cosmological Consciousness in the Modern Chinese Poetry). In: 求索 (Seeker), 2000, No.3, 100-105.


Fan, Jin (1999): 关于五四疑古思潮同传统关系的思考 (Contemplation on May 4th’s Popular Ideas of Being Skeptical of Antiquity and Traditional Relations). In:荆州师范学院学报 (Journal of Jingzhou Normal College), 1999, No.4, 14-17.


Fan, Jin (1997): 论席勒对郭沫若历史剧的影响 (Schiller’s Empact on Guo Moruo’s Historical Plays). In: 吉首大学学报 (Journal of Jishou University), 1997, No.3, 66-70.


Fan, Jin (1996): 郭沫若与歌德 (Guo Moruo and Goethe). In: 郭沫若学刊 (Journal of Guo M-ruo Studies), 1996, No.2, 14-21.


Fan, Jin (1996): 五四小说中的自我情感表现倾向 (Tendency to Emotional Exposure of Self in the May 4th’s Novels). In: 遵义教育学院学报 (Journal of Zunyi Educational College), 1996, No.1, 77-82.


c)                   Book Contributions

Fan, Jin (2013): The part of German literture in 外国文学史新编 (New History of Foreign Literature) edited by Chen Jianhua (Beijing: Gaodeng Jiaoyu Chubanshe, 2013).


Fan, Jin (2010): 卡夫卡的《变形记》阐释 (Interpretation on Kafka’s Die Verwandlung). In: 外国文学鉴赏辞典小说卷3(Lexicon of Foreign Literature, Volume of Novel 3), Shanghai: Cishu Chubanshe, 2010, 37-47.


Fan, Jin (2010): 卡夫卡的《饥饿艺术家》阐释 (Interpretation on Kafka’s Hungerkünstler). In: 外国文学鉴赏辞典小说卷3(Lexicon of Foreign Literature, Volume of Novel 3), Shanghai: Cishu Chubanshe, 2010, 47-58.


Fan, Jin (2010): 卡夫卡的《城堡》阐释 (Interpretation on Kafkas Schloss). In: 外国文学鉴赏辞典小说卷3(Lexicon of Foreign Literature, Volume of Novel 3), Shanghai: Cishu Chubanshe, 2010, 58-67.


Fan, Jin (2010): 卡夫卡的《地洞》阐释 (Interpretation on Kafka’s Der Bau). In: 外国文学鉴赏辞典小说卷3(Lexicon of Foreign Literature, Volume of Novel 3), Shanghai: Cishu Chubanshe, 2010, 67-77.


d)                  Newspapers

Fan, Jin (2012): 对话顾彬《二十世纪中国文学史》文学观 (Dialogue with Kubin’s view of Literature in the History of Chinese Literature in the 20th century). In: 华东师范大学校报 (Bulletin of East China Normal University), 21.02.2012, 4.


Fan, Jin (2012):卫礼贤之名 (The Name of Richard Wilhelm). In: 文汇读书周报 (Wenhui Reading Weekly), 10.02.2012, 9.


Fan, Jin (2009): 五四一代和尼采 (May 4th Gerneration and Nietzsche). In: 生活月刊(Living Monthly), 2009, No.4, 15-17.


Fan, Jin (2002): Gott in der gegenwärtigen chinesischen Literatur, Brühler Nachwuchstagung, 05.2002.


Fan, Jin (1996): 老舍的幽默艺术 (Lao She’s Art of Humour). In: 文艺报 (Bulletin of Literature and Art), 09.03.1996, 8.


e)                   Translations (book)

Niklas Luhmann: Liebe als Passion. Zur Codierung von Intimität. Shanghai: East China Normal University Press, 2019 408pp.


Peter Zima: Komparatistik: Einfuhrung in die vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft, Hefei: Anhui Jiaoyu, 2009. 289pp.


Wolfgang Kubin: Geschichte der Chinesischen Literatur Bd. 7, Die Chinesische Literatur im 20. Jahrhundert. Shanghai: East China Normal University Press, 2008. 422pp.


f)                    Translations (article)

R. D. Findeisen: „Text der Übersetzung“. In: 在拿坡里的胡同里 (In the Lane of Naples), Nanjing: Nanjing University Press, 2011, 417-429.


Martin Bollacher: „Goethes Konzeption der Weltliteratur“. In: 中文自学指导 (Reviews and Research on Chinese Literature), 2005, No.4, 31-37.