Curriculum Vitae

  • since 2007: Professor in Social and Cultural Anthropolgy at Georg August University Göttingen
  • Study of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Sociology and Art History in München und Freiburg/Brsg.
  • PhD in Social and Cultural Anthropology (Freiburg 1992). Dissertation: Life in Malula. A Contribution to the Ethnography of the Alangan-Mangyan in the Mountains of Mindoro / Philippines (published in German). – Habilitation in Social and Cultural Anthropology (Marburg 2004)
  • 1986-88: Field research in the Philippines among the Alangan-Mangyan in the mountains of Mindoro island (funded by german academic exchange service)
  • 1989-1991: Research assistant at the Institute for social and cultural Work (ISKA), Nürnberg
  • Between 1994-1999: "multi-sited" ethnographic field research for postdoctoral qualification (habilitation) "A good husband is hard work" - An ethnographic study on Philippine marriage migrants (in Germany as well as during several stays on the Philippines)
  • 1993-2000: Assistant Profefssor (C1) at Bremen University, Department of Cultural Studies / Cultural Anthropology
  • since 2004: Adj. Professor at Marburg University and visiting lecturer at the universities of Marburg, Berlin, Freiburg, Hamburg, Luzern
  • 2006-2007: Research Fellow at Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle. Research Project on ancestor worship and pilgrimages in Vietnam. Field research in Northern Vietnam