Dr. Alfons M. van den Kerkhof
Curriculum vitae
Since December 2024 : Guest researcher GZG (Dept. Structural Geology and Geothermics)1990-2024 : Research scientist at the GZG (Geowissenschaftliches Zentrum der Universät Göttingen), before 2002: Institute of Geology and Dynamics of the Lithosphere (IGDL).
Main responsibilities: Spectrometric analysis and cathodoluminescence microscopy, fluid phase petrology, providing and maintaining lab services for masters and doctoral students.
Teaching activities: Optical mineralogy, Fluid phase petrology, Introduction to Geology, Cathodoluminescence techniques, Field excursions
1988-1990 : Post-doctoral position subsidized by NWO (Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research) "Fluid formation and transport in lower crustal rocks from southern Norway" (supervisor: Prof. J.L.R. Touret), Free University, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
1985-1988 : Ph. D. studies. Institute of Earth Sciences, Free University, Amsterdam. Graduation: June 1988 (cum laude). Dissertation: "The system CO2-CH4-N2 in fluid inclusions: theoretical modelling and geological applications". Promoter: Prof. J.L.R. Touret.
1977-1984 : University studies in geology at the Free University, Amsterdam. Masters examination: November 1984. Master´s Thesis: “Calc-silicate rocks of the Lohja area, West-Uusimaa (Southern Finland)”
Main disciplines: Petrology; Subsidiary subjects: Geochemistry, Ore petrology
1982-1984 : Student assistant for mineral optics.
1984-1985 : Field and laboratory research with financial support of the Schuurman Foundation. “Mylonites and pseudotachylytes from the West-Uusimaa Proterozoic schist belt, SW Finland”.
1971-1977 : Gymnasium (Keizer Karel College, Amstelveen, The Netherlands): Dutch, Latin, English, German, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, (French), (additional knowledge of Spanish acquired later at the Open University)