Digitization of business and administration

(DUV; formerly IKS)

- B.WIWI-OPH.0003 -

Study course for Bachelor Programs

Course Overview

What? How?
Course frequency every semester
Course type Lecture & Practical Course
Exam prerequisites none
Examination Written e-examination (100 minutes) based on lecture & practical course
Credits 6 ECTS
Admission requirements Lecture: none

Practical Course: Registration mandatory

Further Information on the Registration


The information society influences many aspects of our daily lives. Online purchases are a matter of course, streaming services are used for music consumption and companies use so-called ‘social networks’ to address customers and recruit employees. It is impossible to imagine many areas of work and life without information technology (IT) and therefore also business informatics. So-called ‘digitalisation’ is changing our business and private lives, and new products and services are also emerging. As a result, it is becoming increasingly necessary to teach the basics of business informatics in training programmes at different levels of the education system.

This course covers the fundamentals of internal data and information processing. Basic technical principles of information processing, a selection of information and communication systems used in industry and services, as well as selected aspects of the management of information processing will be discussed.

During the practical course, students will learn how to use Microsoft-Office (Version 2021). This includes the preparation of well-formatted documents (e.g. bachelor thesis), the preparation of presentations (e.g. in the Bachelor's Seminar), the creation of a data-consistent Excel-sheet, as well as using simple databases.

Learning targets

This course has both theoretical (lectures) and practical (practical course) goals. The main theoretical goal is for students to understand the functionality, potentials and limits of applying information and communication systems (IKS) in economic processes, in order to train them to become competent expert users. Students should:

  • know and be able to explain the basic functioning of PCs, computer networks and network architectures, such as the internet, also in the context of the security of networked systems,

  • know and be able to explain the fundamentals of data management (databases and data warehouse solutions) as well as application areas of Big Data. The strategies of knowledge transfer as well as the basics of knowledge management systems and how to apply them in practice,

  • know ways of supporting operational functions with information and communication systems, in industrial, service and media companies. Be able to explain system functions, how they work and to assess the potentials and limitations of system use,

  • be able to explain types and distribution models of application software (standard, individual and component software), and to apply the findings in practical problems. In addition, procedural models for the system development and introduction of standard and individual software are characterized and applied to practical problems,

  • be able to explain procedures to plan, implement and introduce application systems,

  • know the basics of internal information management, and management of IT sourcing,

  • know the scope of the digital transformation, and their effects on business models,

  • be able to solve given problems on the basis of entity relationship models, event-driven process chains as well as data flow plans and to critically evaluate respective models, and

  • be able to use the software applications Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint and Microsoft Access in everyday business or student life.

Learning material

The following material will be made available on StudIP:

  • Slides for lecture and practical course

  • Past exams

  • Practical course exercises

  • Course reader

Please note that there are separate courses for the lecture and the practical course on StudIP!

Schedule Winter Term 2024/25

What? When and Where?
Start of the lecture Tuesday, 22.10.2024
Modeling Exercises Exercise 1: 19.11.2024, Exercise 2: 03.12.2024, Exercise 3: 17.12.2024
Repetition and Time for Questions 28.01.2024
Practical course registration Tuesday, 09th April 2024, 08:00 a.m. until Friday, 12th April 2024, 10:00 a.m.
Start of practical course on Monday, 15th April 2024
Next Dates for Examination 16.07.2024 (1st winter exam)

09.10.2024 (2nd winter exam)

Contact for the lecture:

Lars Wilhelmi

Platz der Göttinger Sieben 5

37073 Göttingen

Tel. +49 551 39-24479

Contact for the practical course:

Leonie Kopahs

Platz der Göttinger Sieben 5

37073 Göttingen

Tel. +49 551 39-29737