Etablierung einer grünen Wasserstoffwertschöpfungskette für den Mobilitätssektor (WIR! – ViridisH2 Südniedersachsen)


Partner: SüdniedersachsenStiftung, ELO Mobility GmbH

Project duration: 09/2020 - 05/2021

Funding: Sponsored by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Förderkennzeichen 03WIR5201C)

Methods: Qualitative Methods, Simulations

Together with the SüdniedersachsenStiftung and ELO-Mobility GmbH, a start-up company from Berlin with an office in Göttingen, the SMRG aims to create a concept for a regional hydrogen economy covering the full process from hydrogen production to consumption.

The project ViridisH2 Südniedersachsen was chosen by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research as part of the “WIR! – Wandel durch Innovation in der Region” funding program for a nine-month-long concept phase starting in September 2020. Apart from the three main partners, several regional businesses, academic institutions and municipalities signalled their interest in the project.

The main goal of ViridisH2 Südniedersachsen is to establish sustainable mobility in the region with a focus on employing hydrogen busses for public transportation. A promising concept for their economic and ecological feasibility is a new process called plasmalysis, enabling the production of hydrogen using organic and inorganic compounds in e.g. gases and wastewater.

In the context of establishing a hydrogen economy, the project aims to create a comprehensive concept on the use of green energy for plasmalysis, the use of its by-products in various industries and the viability of the generated hydrogen itself for public transportation. The SMRG will support the project by collecting knowledge from academic literature and past practical projects, by conducting qualitative research with all relevant stakeholders and by providing an extensive simulation to establish a viable concept.

The final report can be downloaded here.

A printed version of the report can be provided upon request.