Staff Position Where are they now?
Dr. Mahmood Soofi PhD student and Post-Doc 2015–2024 University of Kent, UK
Anton Morkovin Research associate 2022-2023 Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA)
Lisa Dumpe Project coordinator 2017–2024
Dr. Denis Kupsch PhD student and guest researcher 2013–2023 Ökumenische Initiative Eine Welt (ÖIEW) and independent consultant
Dr. Margaretha Pangau-AdamGuest researcher
Dr. Igor Khorozyan Post Doc 2015–2022 Independent consultant
Dr. Marc Filla PhD student 2018–2022 BUND Landesverband Niedersachsen e.V.
Dr. Manuel Püttmanns PhD student 2018–2022 LPV Groß-Gerau
Dr. Sandeep Sharma Guest researcher 2020-2022 iDiv