Göttingen Diversity Research Institute hosts ENLIGHT workshop on „The age-friendly and inclusive city“ (19 November 2021)

What shapes, hinders or fosters belonging, participation and wellbeing in the context of diversifying and ageing European cities? How can an intersectional perspective be further developed in research on urban ageing and which policy implications follow from this? These and other questions will be discussed by an interdisciplinary consortium in a workshop hosted by Göttingen Diversity Research Institute on 19 November 2021.

The consortium is led by Prof. Dr. Andrea D. Bührmann (University of Göttingen) and brings together renowned experts from the universities of Bratislava, Crete, Ghent, Göttingen and Groningen. The group is developing an intersectional, multi-level and transformative research approach to processes of urban belonging in an ageing Europe. The international workshop will be opened with greetings from Prof. Dr. Hiltraud Casper-Hehne (Representative for International Affairs and lead of ENLIGHT at the University of Göttingen). Afterwards, Prof. Dr. Jonas Stier (Mälardalen University) will give a presentation on “The homogenization and exclusion of older people – biases and discourse”. In the second part of the workshop, methodological questions as well as innovative concepts for knowledge transfer will be discussed.

The workshop is part of the project “Equity under pressure. Transformations of urban belonging in an ageing Europe” (funded by DAAD ENLIGHT TRANSFORM).