Complex Thin Film Systems / Advanced Epitaxy

The junior professor group ‘Complex Thin Film Systems / Advanced Epitaxy’ is associated with the Collaborative Research Center SFB 1073 "Control of Energy Conversion on Atomic Scales". The goal of the group is to produce high-quality epitaxial complex thin films using methods like pulsed laser deposition and metal-organic aerosol deposition.
- Perovskite oxides with modified B-site for ferromagnetism and A-site for ferroelectricity
- Metal/metal oxide interface study (eg: Co/Co-oxide) for exchange bias systems
- Molecular magnets with different organic length chains to study the relaxation dynamics of magnetic quantum tunneling
Correlated Photonic Materials
- Defect and stoichiometry engineering to obtain conducting, visible light transparent oxides and plasmonic crystals
- Modifying transparent conductors into multiferroics by anion substitution
- Nb based superconducting materials
- Influence of interfacing superconducting Nb with plasmonic SrNbO3
Photo/electrochemical activities
- Perovskite oxides and oxynitrides for oxygen evolution and reduction reactions
- Relationship between magnetic phases and the electrochemical activities
- Photocatalytic and plasmonic materials
- PhD positions are available
- Various topics for Bachelor’s and Master’s thesis are available. If you are interested in gaining experience in modern techniques and learning the art of the creation of materials for multifunctionality, contact Jasnamol Palakkal (
- We are offering a new course, ‘Thin Films - Science and Industrial Demand’ every winter semester.
Modul B.Phy.5702: Dünne Schichten (English: Thin layers), 3 C, 2 SWS
Recommended semester: Bachelor: 6 and Master: 1 - 4.
Language of the course: English - We offer Advanced Lab Course ("Master-Forschungspraktikum") on thin film fabrication and characterization here LINK
Contact: Jun. Prof. Dr. Jasnamol Palakkal
Jun. Prof. Dr. Jasnamol P. Palakkal
Complex Thin Film Systems / Advanced Epitaxy
Institute of Materials Physics
Georg-August-University of Göttingen
Friedrich-Hund-Platz 1
37077 Göttingen
Office: D.02.120
Tel.: +49 551 39-29642