KEYNOTE: With Good Research Practice through your doctoral studies

Compliance with the standards of good research practice is crucial for conducting high-quality research. In addition to professional expertise, this also requires a corresponding attitude on the part of the researchers that is in keeping with the scientific ethos. Researchers must be able to apply the rules and standards of good research practice thoughtfully and at the same time take responsibility for the ethical implications of their work. The lecture will provide an overview of these standards and the relevant university guidelines, with a particular focus on publishing (e.g. avoiding predatory journals, indicating affiliations and adhering to authorship criteria). The lecture will conclude with a presentation of the university's ombuds system, which accepts questions from researchers about good research practice and offers confidential counselling in cases of conflict.

Speaker: Dr. Katharina Beier

Beier_MeWo 2022
Dr Katharina Beier studied political science, German and Swedish in Greifswald and Växjö (Sweden). After completing her doctorate at the interface of political theory and bioethics, she found her new academic home in medical ethics. From 2008-2022, she worked as a research assistant and project coordinator at the Göttingen Institute of Medical Ethics and History of Medicine in various research projects (EU, VW Foundation, BMBF, DFG). Her research focused on ethical questions of biobank research and modern reproductive medicine, in particular assisted reproduction. Since 2018, she has been head of the Ombuds Office for Good Research Practice at the University of Göttingen. At the beginning of 2023, she also took over the management of the Ethics Committee for Care Professions (Ethikkommission für Berufe in der Pflege) appointed by the Lower Saxony Ministry of Social Affairs. As part of these roles, she is regularly involved in training courses on good research practice and medical/nursing ethics.

Selected publications of Dr. Katharina Beier:

  • Beier, K (im Erscheinen): Eine Reflexion der Standards guter wissenschaftlicher Praxis im Lichte des wissenschaftlichen Objektivitätsideals. In: PA Hirsch, H Klinge (Hrsg.): Zur Wertfreiheit verpflichtet? Gegenwärtige Berechtigung und Bedeutung des Postulats einer wertfreien Wissenschaft. Mohr Siebeck, Reihe „Die Einheit der Geisteswissenschaften im 21. Jahrhundert“ (EdG 21), 103-120.
  • Beier, K/Simon, A/Schön, MP (2022): Priorisierung von Beschäftigten einer medizinischen Einrichtung der Maximalversorgung bei der Impfung gegen COVID-19: Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze. Ein Diskussionsbeitrag aus der Praxis. Ethik in der Medizin 34(1), 111–118.
  • Beier K (2020): Familiengründung durch Leihmutterschaft. Eine ethische Analyse. In: Katharina Beier/Claudia Brügge/Petra Thorn/Claudia Wiesemann (Hrsg.): Assistierte Reproduktion mit Hilfe Dritter. Medizin – Ethik – Psychologie – Recht. Berlin: Springer, 155-169.
  • Beier, K/Wöhlke, S (2019): An Ethical Comparison of Living Kidney Donation and Surrogacy: Understanding the Relational Dimension. Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 14(1):13 DOI: 10.1186/s13010-019-0080-9
  • Beier, K/Frebel, L (2018): Brain Banking für die Forschung – eine empirisch-ethische Analyse praktischer Herausforderungen. Ethik in der Medizin 30(2), 123-139.