Klarina Paulisch studied Business Administration at the University of Göttingen for her Bachelor's degree and at the University of Leipzig for her Master's degree. As an exchange student, she spent a semester at Wichita State University, USA. She gained practical experience as an intern at the Innovation and Incubation Institute at the PDPU in India in innovation management and in the field of data science in various companies. Klarina also worked at the Fraunhofer Center for International Management and Knowledge Economy (IMW) in Leipzig during her master's degree. Before starting her doctoral studies at the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics in Göttingen, she completed a traineeship in the field of data science at a management consultancy.
Since November 2023, she has been working as a research assistant at the Chair of Economic Policy and SME Research, focusing on experimental behavioral economics and decision-making behavior with regard to inequality, resilience and uncertainty.

Topics for Theses

(in English or German)

Behavioral Economics

  • Role of fairness and inequality aversion in economic decisions (BA: Literatur review/MA: Experiment)
  • Impact of emotions of economic decision making (BA: Literatur review/MA: Experiment)
  • Crisis Economics (BA: Literatur review/MA: Model-theoretical view)
  • Hedonic adaption (BA: Literatur review/MA: Experiment, Survey)

If non of the above topics is of your interest but you are interested in the following methodologies, please contact me

  • Experiments
  • Surveys
  • Web Scraping/Sentiment analysis
  • Expert interviews