News Archive 2023 Gina Meimann wins Fulbright Scholarship Panel discussion on diversity and virtuality with Jördis Grabow Vereinbarungen zur Kommunikation und hybriden Zusammenarbeit am Institut für Diversitätsforschung Andrea D. Bührmann takes part in BMBF Lunch Talk on Equal Opportunities New project: Urban lab - towards a colonial-critical city Webtalk "Anders und gleich" with Elena Futter-Buck Andrea D. Bührmann will be visiting scholar at the University of Klagenfurt 20.06.2023: Susan Carin Zimmermann: Multi-scalar and Cold War-driven? Comparative Reflections on Communist-led Gendered Trade Unionism in State-Socialist Europe and Internationally 15.06.2023: Julia Gruhlich: Digitale Ethnographie der Hausarbeit – Methodische Reflektionen zu Geschlecht und Diversität 15 June 2023: Dialogue event on "Paths towards a colonial-critical city" Amalia Sa'ar is guest professor at the Göttingen Diversity Research Institute 01.06.2023: ENLIGHT Talk with Catherine Bovill (Edinburgh): "The case for whole class co-creation in learning and teaching: towards inclusive, relational teaching" Beitrag von Doreen Müller und Andrea D. Bührmann in G+G (Gesundheit und Gesellschaft) Andrea D. Bührmann has been elected to the extended board of idm e. V. Förderpool empirische Abschlussarbeiten 19.04.2023: Amalia Sa'ar: "Paradoxes of knowledge and positionality in critical diversity research, a feminist-activist perspective" 09.02.2023: Tetiana Vodotyka: "Commemoration of/for Entrepreneurship in the late 19th - early 20th century: Ukrainian and German cases. A comparison attempt" (hybrid) Call for full paper: Schwerpunktheft zum Thema "Care & Diversity aus intersektionaler Perspektive" Remembering Vladislav Rende Call for Papers: Workshop "The trouble with identity and belonging: What do we talk about when we talk about identity?", March 2024 Andrea D. Bührmann to be visiting professor at the University of Haifa Andrea D. Bührmann will participate in the roundtable "'Diversity Turn' in German Research Policy" Institutskolloquium Diversitätsforschung Sommersemester 2023 New project on normative foundations of diversity (2023 - 2026) Podcast Miniseries: The Just University Andrea D. Bührmann is part of a new Fulbright Selection Committee for Educational Equity Veranstaltungshinweis: Session "SMART HOMES, PRIVATE SPACES – REORGANIZING WORK" auf der Tagung WORK2023 “Digital Capitalism: Peril and Possibilities Jördis Grabow at the conference "Diversity and Difference. Studies in Subjectivation", CAU Kiel, 28 - 30.09.2023 Interview mit Julia Gruhlich in der Zeitschrift LandInForm Sabine Grenz erhält den österreichischen Käthe-Leichter-Staatspreis Andrea D. Bührmann has been elected chairwoman of the University Council of the University of Erfurt