The central laboratory of the CRC “Nanospectroscopy and X-Ray Imaging”, located at the Faculty of Physics, offers its participants different sources for short pulse generation in a broad energy range. Here, the different workgroups are not only able to use these state-of-the-art light sources, but also to combine their particular fields of interest.
The available instruments cover energy domains from hard X-rays over soft X-rays / extreme UV light up to infrared radiation and the minimum pulse lengths ranges from femtoseconds up to nanoseconds. Due to their pulsed structure, a multitude of time-resolved experiments for in-house research are possible. Furthermore, the laboratory supports preparations for external beam times at synchrotron sources and FELs (in particular at FLASH, Hamburg).

Short Pulse Laboratory of the CRC Physics with the
Ti:Sa femtosecond laser system (1), High Harmonic Generation Source (2), X-ray Plasma Source for Hard X-ray Radiation (3) and EUV / XUV Plasma Source (4).