The Postdoc Network of the Faculty of Forest Sciences and Forest Ecology invited to:

The Symposium "Forest Conservation and Resilience"

The symposium was part of the Forest Science week, jointly organized with our colleagues from the RTG 2300.
Wednesday, November 29 (1 - 6 pm)

at the Max-Planck-Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences, Manfred-Eigen-Hall, Fassberg 11

Target audience faculty members, researchers, and students of our faculty and related ones (biology, agriculture) as well as guests from other research institutions and the forestry sector.

Program: Wednesday, November 29, 2023
13:00 Welcome Notes and Introduction
13:15 Dr. Eike Lena Neuschulz (Senckenberg Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre): “Abiotic and biotic interactions in global forest ecosystems”
14:00 Dr. Niels Müller (Thünen Institute of Forest Genetics): “What can we learn from landscape genomics in European beech for the conservation of forest ecosystems?”
14:45 Coffee Break
15:15 Dr. Katrin Fleischer (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam): “Amazon forests responses in a changing world"
16:00 Dr. Dominik Thom (Technische Universität München): “The impacts of climate change and increasing disturbance activity on forest ecosystems”
16:45 Reception with snacks and drinks