Professorinnenprogramm III

With the help of the female professorship program, a number of measures in the mathematics section could be implemented in Göttingen, the main aim of which is to promote young female scientists in the field.

Specifically, the Emmy Noether guest program was expanded to include female master students. In this context, visits by female master students in mathematics to Göttingen can be financed, in which mentoring of the students is just as important as scientific collaboration.

Furthermore, a program was set up for female doctoral students in mathematics, which makes longer trips to other universities possible. International contacts are particularly important in the modern world of research and this aspect enables doctoral students to make scientific contacts at another location of their choice, where a university professor from the host university is available to them as a mentor.

At the same time, thanks to the female professorship program, numerous female scientists can be invited to Göttingen for scientific collaborations and scientific exchange. We pay particular attention to enabling our doctoral and master students to exchange ideas and build contacts during social activities such as lunch groups or seminar dinners.

In addition to all these opportunities for scientific exchange and mentoring, we could finance an Emmy Noether postdoctoral researcher in the number theory group through the female professorship program. On the one hand, this made it possible for the postdoctoral candidate to complete her habilitation and, on the other hand, she was of great importance in the group as a contact person, mentor and role model for our master students.