Recent publications of Hans-Rolf Gregorius

Gregorius, H.-R., Kosman, E. (2017) On the notion of dispersion: from dispersion to diversity. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 8(3), 278-287.

Gregorius, H.-R. (2016) Effective numbers in the partitioning of biological diversity. Journal of Theoretical Biology 409, 133-147.

Dempfle, L., Frese, L., Gregorius, H.-R., Janßen, A., Wedekind, H. (ed.) (2016) Nachhaltige Züchtung: Betrachtungen zum Umgang mit genetischen Ressourcen in Nutzungssystemen - Pflanzenbau - Tierproduktion - Forst- und Fischereiwesen. Agrobiodiversität | Band 38 - Schriftenreihe des Informations- und Koordinationszentrums für Biologische Vielfalt, Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung, Berlin, 2016. E-paper

Gregorius, H.-R., Gillet, E.M. (2015) Classifying measures of biological variation. PLoS ONE 10(3), e0115312, 1-25.,

Gregorius, H.-R. (2014) Partitioning of diversity: the "within communities" component. Web Ecology 14, 51-60.

Gregorius, H.-R. (2014) Partitioning of trait variation among communities: measures of apportionment and differentiation based on binary sampling. Theoretical Ecology 7(3), 313-324.

Gregorius, H.-R., Gillet, E.M., Ziehe, M. (2014) Relating measures of compositional differentiation among communities to conceptual models of migration and selection. Ecological Modelling 279, 24-35.

Bergmann, F., Gregorius, H.-R., Kownatzki, D., Wehenkel, Chr. (2013): Different diversity measures and genetic traits reveal different species-genetic diversity relationships: A case study in forest tree communities. Silvae Genetica 62, 25-37.

Gregorius, H.-R. (2012) Assessing biological variation from the perspective of diversity. Ecological Modelling 224, 1-10.

Gregorius, H.-R. (2011) The analysis of association between traits when differences between trait states matter. Acta Biotheoretica 59, 213-229.

Gregorius, H.-R., Kownatzki, D., Höltken, A.M. (2011) Spatial patterns of mating relations in wild cherry (Prunus avium L.). Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 13, 36-44.

Gregorius, H.-R. (2010) Linking diversity and differentiation. Diversity 2010, 2(3), 370-394. Open Access or

Gregorius, H.-R. (2009) Relational diversity. Journal of Theoretical Biology 257(1), 150-158.

Gregorius, H.-R. (2009) Distribution of variation over populations. Theory in Biosciences 128(3), 179-189 (Open Access 18 April 2009).

Gillet, E.M., Gregorius, H.-R., Ziehe, M. (2009) Wie beeinflusst die Verteilung genetischer Variation die Stabilität von Populationssystemen? Pp. 47-72 in Foraita, R., Hemmelmann, C., Ziegler, A. (Hrsg.): Biometrische Aspekte der Genomanalyse IV. Schwerpunkt: Epigenetik. Shaker-Verlag, Herzogenrath (ISBN 978-3-8322-8358-2) [Preprint as PDF], FG700

Gillet, E.M., Gregorius, H.-R. (2008) Measuring differentiation among populations at different levels of genetic integration. BMC Genetics 9, 60., FG689

Gregorius, H.-R., Gillet, E.M. (2008) Generalized Simpson-diversity. Ecological Modelling 211, 90-96., FG684

Gregorius, H.-R., Kissling-Näf, I., Ott, K. (2007) Biodiversität als Lebensgrundlage - Grundprinzipien zu Schutz und Nutzung. In: Potthast, T. (Bearb.): Biodiversität - Schlüsselbegriff des Naturschutzes im 21. Jahrhundert? Schriftenreihe "Naturschutz und Biologische Vielfalt" des Bundesamts für Naturschutz, Band 48, S. 185-222. (ISBN 978-3-7843-3948-1) , FG680

Gregorius, H.-R., Degen, B., König, A. (2007) Problems in the analysis of genetic differentiation among populations - a case study in Quercus robur. Silvae Genetica 56, 190-199. , FG673

Wehenkel, C., Bergmann, F., Gregorius, H.-R. (2007) Genotype-species interactions in neighbourhoods of forest tree communities. Silvae Genetica 56, 101-110., FG672

Gregorius, H.-R., Degen, B. (2007) Monitoring genetischer Ressourcen - Prinzipien und Methoden. In: Begemann, F., Schröder, S., Wenkel, K.-O., Weigel, H.-J. (Hrsg.): Monitoring und Indikatoren der Agrobiodiversität. Schriftenreihe Agrobiodiversität des Informations- und Koordinationszentrums für Biologische Vielfalt (IBV), Band 27, 39-65. (ISSN 1863-1347), FG668

Verga, A., Gregorius, H.-R. (2007) Comparing morphological with genetic distances between populations: A new method and its application to the Prosopis chilensis ­- P. flexuosa complex. Silvae Genetica 56, 45-51., FG667

Gregorius, H.-R. (2006) The isolation principle of clustering: Structural characteristics and implementation. Acta Biotheoretica 54, 219-233., FG653

Höltken, A.M., Gregorius, H.-R. (2006) Detecting local establishment strategies of wild cherry (Prunus avium L.). BMC Ecology 6, 13., FG652

Gregorius, H.-R. (2006) Revealing spatial genetic structure through cluster analyses. Ecological Modelling 198, 312-320., FG650

Wehenkel, C., Bergmann, F., Gregorius, H.-R. (2006) Is there a trade-off between species diversity and genetic diversity in forest tree communities? Plant Ecology 185, 151-161., FG648

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