Films | Monographs & Edited Volumes | Contributions in Journals & Edited Volumes | TalksPublications of Dr. Julia Koch
Male na Male // Ever again (25:46 min).
'Kabul Kiya? Do You Accept?' (101 min), Ethnographischer Film zu Migration und Heirat zwischen Indien und Südafrika.
Monographs & Edited Volumes
"Transformation of Practices. Practices of Transformation. Essays in Honour of Helene Basu.". Georg Olms Verlag, Hildesheim, Zürich, New York.[DOI]
"Spurenlesen: Eine ethnologische Forschung in der südafrikanischen Rundfunkkorporation SABC". GISCA Occasional Paper Series 29. [DOI]
Migration und religiöse Praxis. Gujarats sunnitische Muslime in den ehemaligen 'Homelands' Südafrika. Bielefeld: Transcript.
Rituelle Büffeltötungen in Südostasien. Eine vergleichende ethnologische Analyse. MIAMI, ULB Münster. (Magisterarbeit, benotet mit 1,0, Betreuer Prof. Dr. Jos Platenkamp)
Contributions in Journals & Edited Volumes
"Strukturalismus und strukturale Anthropologie" In: Delitz, H. (ed) Soziologische Denkweisen aus Frankreich. Springer VS, Wiesbaden. S. 159–186. [DOI]
"Introduction" In: Koch, Julia; Helmar Kurz; Mrinal Pande; Annika Strauss (eds.) Transformation of Practices. Practices of Transformation. Essays in Honour of Helene Basu. Georg Olms Verlag, Hildesheim, Zürich, New York. S. 1-32. [DOI]
Secrecy and Visibility. Challenging Verwoerdism in South Africa's 20th century. In: Steinforth, Arne S./Sabine Klocke-Daffa (Hg.): Challenging Authorities: Ethnographies of Legitimacy and Power in
Africa. Palgrave MacMillan. [DOI]
Fieldwork as performance: being ethnographic in film-making. Anthropology Southern Africa 42(2): 161-172.
South Asian Muslim women on the move: missionaries in South Africa. South Asian Diaspora 9(2): 129-146.
Fotographischer Beitrag auf Seite 353. In: Vahed, Golam, Desai, Ashwin, Waetjen, Thembisa (eds.), Many Lives. 150 years of being Indian in South Africa. Pietermaritzburg: Shuter & Shooter, Ltd, pp. 353.
Muslim Identities around the Indian Ocean: Some Ideas Preparing a Multi-Sited Fieldwork in Gujarat and South Africa. In: Moving Anthropology Students Network-Germany e.V. (ed.), Exploring Anthropology. Perspectives on Interactions, Changes and Challenges. Conference Reader, p. 87–92.
Journalists' Memories in South Africa.. Annual Conference of the Memory Studies Association; Africa Chapter. 24.-25. November 2021. Online event.
Verloren, Vergessen, Verzeihen? Feldforschung im südafrikanischen Rundfunkarchiv. Kolloquium of the Institut für Ethnologie, 10.01.2019, Göttingen.
Complicity in Anthropological Film-Making. Anthropology Southern Africa, 26.–29.09.2018, Gaborone/Botswana.
Filming as Ethnographic Method in Migration Studies, Kolloquium of the Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS/Tuljapur), 13.02.201, Indien.
The Line of Crime in the 'New' South Africa, 30.08.–03.09.2016, Maurice Halbwachs Summer Institute.
Teaching Decolonization? Methods and Pedagogics in Anthropology from a Comparative Perspective, 30.09.–02.10.2016, Anthropology Southern Africa Annual Conference "Rethinking Anthropology in the Negative Moment".
'Homelands'? – Indische Muslime in der Geschichte Südafrikas, Kolloquium "Forschungsprobleme der außereuropäischen und der frühneuzeitlichen Geschichte", Stefan Brakensiek and Christoph Marx, 26.01.2016, Universität Duisburg Essen.
Facilitation of the Gujarat Research Network Seminar "Mobilities, Transformations, and Gujarat", Social Science Research (AISSR), University of Amsterdam.
Muslims on the Move. Gujaratis in India and South Africa, 16.02.2012, Gujarat Studies Association 4th Biennial Conference, Dubai (Vereinigte Arabische Emirate).
Where is the Marginal Gujarati in South Africa? Then and Now, Second Annual History Research Scholars' Conference: "STATE, CLASS AND VOICES FROM THE MARGINS", 11.03.2011, JMI University, Delhi.
Gurajati-Muslime in Indien und Südafrika, Tagung "Religion und Integration in der Einwanderungsgesellschaft", October 2009, Institut für Politikwissenschaft der WWU Münster in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Ministerium für Generationen, Familie, Frauen und Integration des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen
Gujarati Muslims in India and South Africa. Performing Muslim Identities in the Indian Ocean, Konferenz "The Spirit & the Flesh: Transregional Perspectives on Religion, Race, and Gender in History", June 2009, Universität Erfurt.