Several biochemical and molecular biology techniques including PCR, nucleic acids and protein electrophoresis, column chromatography, spectroscopy and DNA sequencing
Projects / Research
Bachelor Thesis: "Population genetics of the malaria vector the mosquito Anopheles albimanus, based on microsatellite DNA as molecular markers, in Latin America and the Caribbean"
Scholarships / Awards
2002 – 2003:
Stipend International Max Planck Research School
2002 – 2003:
DAAD-STIBET Matching Fund
2000 – 2001:
Trainee in TDR/WHO research grant on Anopheles albimanus population genetics study
Through this MSc/PhD program, I intend to deepen my knowledge as well my research abilities in the biological sciences, since I want to become an academic and a researcher at a university. The biological fields that I find most interesting are structural biology and genomics. I would also like to explore the underlying molecular processes in different human diseases like cancer and cardiovascular diseases.