
Applied Statistics

About the Statistics Section

Statistics is the scientific discipline of responsible data analysis, i.e., statistical methods are used to extract information contained in data to make it usable for evidence-based decision-making. Central to this are probabilistic model assumptions, which are used to quantify and thereby control the inherent uncertainty in data analysis.

In the Statistics Section, scientists have come together who develop, adapt, or apply advanced statistical methods. The central tasks of the Statistics Section are:

  • coordinating activities for cooperative research, teaching, and science transfer in the field of statistics,
  • supporting the acquisition of third-party funds, especially in the area of collaborative research,
  • providing statistical consulting to students and doctoral candidates, and
  • organizing the master's program in Applied Statistics.

Statistical Consulting for Students and Doctoral Candidates

The primary concern of Statistical Consulting is to provide application-oriented support to students and doctoral candidates in the conduct and evaluation of sophisticated empirical final theses and research projects. Against the backdrop of the increasing availability of large and complex datasets, this consulting aims to ensure quality as well as to maintain the competitiveness of the research work, thereby contributing sustainably to the support of qualified scientific newcomers. In addition to individual consultations, Statistical Consulting also offers courses on statistical analysis approaches and coordinates with other statistical consulting services at the Göttingen Campus. Since the consulting service for students is financed by decentralized study quality funds, it is only available for certain subject areas.

Further information about Statistical Consulting can be found here arrow_right_alt

Master in Applied Statistics

As many students discover their passion for statistics during their bachelor's studies, the master's program in "Applied Statistics" organized by the Statistics Section is designed to be accessible even to students with bachelor's degrees from a wide range of disciplines, such as economics, psychology, computer science, forestry science, or social sciences, but other subjects are also possible. The program focuses on practical relevance and covers not only methodology but also how the analysis of complex data can be practically implemented in software packages like R and then clearly prepared and presented. The internship, project seminar, and thesis can be carried out together with a practical partner from industry to gain firsthand experience and important contacts. To ensure that students are optimally prepared for their desired career, they have the opportunity to specialize in elective subjects such as economics, life sciences, empirical social research, and computer science.

More detailed information about the program can be found here arrow_right_alt