Sample Submission
Anytime in room -1.117 or appointment with CS or MW (e.g. for instable samples that should be measured as fast as possible). For the planning and measurement of more complex experiments please contact MJ or FT.
Sample Amount
1H,19F,31P: > 1 mM (corresponds to 0.1 mg for MW = 160)
COSY/NOESY/DOSY/HSQC/HMBC: > 10 mM (corresponds to 1 mg for MW = 160)
13C,15N-HMBC,29Si: > 100 mM (corresponds to 10 mg for MW = 160)
further nuclei: depending on their sensitivity
Use deuterated solvents only!
We have several less common solvents (diethyl ether, pyridine...) in stock.
Upon request we can do the sample preparation.
Filling Height
40–50 mm (corresponds to 550-700 uL) !!
Sample Quality
Completely dissolved, clear and homogeneous solutions. Please make sure the tubes are clean, undamaged und tightly sealed.
Tube Length
At least 7 inch
Service Measurement Form (see below)
Please fill in completely and readible and put the form into the box on the desk. The first 2-3 characters in the field "filename" should indentify the "customer". Please use the same code as in "filename" for labelling the tube and deposit the sample in the refridgerator.
NMR Data
After the measurement all data files are copied to the server under the name "filename" plus a code identifying the instrument and experiment (e.g. 3h für 1H 300 MHz). All measured samples will be deposited in room -1.117 after measurements and can be picked up there.
User Costs
The costs for each user are yearly calculated and billed exactly.
Allow for roughly the following spectra prices:
Short measurements up to ~5 min (1H, 19F, 31P): 0.5 EUR
Intermediate measurements up to ~30 min (13C, APT, COSY, NOESY, DOSY, HSQC, HMBC): 1 EUR
Long Measurements up to ~12 h (15N, 29Si, thin samples, VT and kinetic measurements): 2 EUR