Sports Criminology Research Center
Violence and deviance in sports
Recently, victim reports and allegations of significant interpersonal violence in sport have increased, particularly within the structures of high-performance sports associations. In order to investigate this and other phenomena, a “Sports Criminology” research group was formed in 2024 to collect quantitative and qualitative empirical data on the experiences of those affected and then systematically evaluate them. In a second step, future-oriented recommendations for action are to be developed for responsible stakeholders.The interdisciplinary team enables methodologically high-quality investigations to create evidence-based foundations for protection and prevention concepts. Members of the research group have already carried out several similar projects within and outside of sport in recent years.
Members of the research group
- Prof. Dr. Alexander Baur, Chair of Criminal Law and Criminology at the University of Göttingen
- Prof. Dr. Stephan Christoph, Assistant Professor of Criminology at the University of Regensburg
- Dr. Thaya Vester, Institute for Criminology at the University of Tübingen
- Sports Psychiatry and Psychotherapy Research Group of the Medical Faculty of the University of Augsburg