Among the numerous appointments of Prof. Duttge, as well as of the members of the chair team, there are various professional and interdisciplinary conferences that are being held regularly. Through the activity as a guest lecturer or as a mere specialist participant, interdisciplinary scientific exchange formats with esteemed colleagues arise, usually lasting beyond the conference. The department particularly cultivates relations with the philosophical and medical faculties.
Some impressions of past conferences can be found below:
- 38. Strafrechtslehrertagung zum Generalthema "Fahrlässigkeit" - Hannover, 31. Mai 2019
- Seminar zum deutschen Straf- und Strafprozessrecht für eine Delegation der Volksrepublik China - Magdeburg vom 21. - 23.10.2019
- Rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen der Therapie am Lebensende - Aachener Internistische Intensivtage 2017
- Verantwortungsvoller Umgang mit Cannabis - Expertenworkshop am 18. November 2016