Talks and Presentations
Year | Title | Event | Location | ||
98. | 2025 | Invited panelist: Finding Your Way: Advice for New Researchers | N2Women, 30th Annual ACM International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom) | Washington, D.C., US | |
97. | 2024 | Invited talk: Enhancing User-centred Privacy Protection across Multiple Domains | Ruzena Bajcsy Lecture, TU Darmstadt | Darmstadt, Germany | |
96. | 2024 | Invited talk: Chalk talk: 1001 Klicks auf dem Weg zu mehr Privatheit: Warum? | Forum Wissen | Göttingen, Germany | |
95. | 2024 | Invited panelist: Forschungsdatengesetz und die europäische Datenstrategie | GI WebTalk-Reihe | virtual | |
94. | 2024 | Demonstration: Avatare und Roboter im Klassenzimmer | Science goes City | Göttingen, Germany | |
93. | 2024 | Invited panelist: Pflegeroboter als Zukunftsvision? | Science goes City | Göttingen, Germany | |
92. | 2024 | Radio interview: Neue Avatare für krebskranke Kinder | Perspektiven - auf der Suche nach Lösungen, NDR Info | Virtual | |
91. | 2024 | Enhancing Privacy Protection across Multiple Domains and from Different Perspectives | UNSW Institute for Cyber Security Seminar | Sydney, Australia | |
90. | 2023 | Panel moderator: Digital Sovereignity | International Conference on Networked Systems (NetSys) | Potsdam, Germany | |
89. | 2023 | Invited speaker: Cyber Resilience Act: Die vorgesehene Rolle der Nutzer*innen und wie wir sie unterstützen können | Mit Recht in die digitale Zukunft – Vom Datenschutz zu Cybersecurity, 9. Göttinger Forum IT-Recht | Göttingen, Germany | |
88. | 2022 | Invited speaker: Kommentar aus datenwissenschaftlicher Sicht | Symposium zum Daten(wirtschafts)völkerstrafrecht, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Berlin, Germany | |
87. | 2022 | Invited speaker: Surveillance vs. Privacy: The Human Perspective | 12th Indo-German Frontiers of Engineering Symposium, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation | Bremen, Germany | |
86. | 2022 | Invited keynote speaker: Usable Privacy: Retrospective and Challenges ahead | 17th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES) | Vienna, Austria | |
85. | 2022 | Invited panelist: Women in Cybersecurity: Securing a Better Future | FE:MALE ONE ZERO | Virtual | |
84. | 2022 | Invited panelist: Frag-die-Profs | Doktorandenforum, Jahrestagung des Fachbereichs "Sicherheit - Schutz und Zuverlässigkeit" (GI Sicherheit) | Karlsruhe | |
83. | 2022 | Invited presentation: Schutz der Privatsphäre und Künstliche Intelligenz: Chancen und Risiken | Ringvorlesung "Künstliche Intelligenz, Data Science und Gesellschaft" | Virtual | |
82. | 2021 | Invited speaker: Ein Plädoyer für Nutzerzentrierte Systeme für bessere Sicherheit und Privatheit | Alumni Tag der Sektion Mathematik und Informatik, Universität Göttingen | Virtual | |
81. | 2021 | Invited panelist: Best Practices in Supervising and Guiding PhD students | VIP Panel, Conference on Networked Systems (NetSys) | Virtual | |
80. | 2021 | Invited panelist: Privacy and Trust in the Digital Workplace | 4th Interdisciplinary Workshop on Privacy and Trust (iPAT), ARES Workshops | Virtual | |
79. | 2021 | Invited guest: Podcast on Instant Messengers | Podcast series "CYBERSNACS", Alliance for Cyber Security (German Federal Office for Information Security) | Virtual | |
78. | 2021 | Invited talk: How Privacy meets Machine Learning | Lecture series "Machine Learning", Campus Institute Data Science | Virtual | |
77. | 2020 | Presentation of the 2020 Report of the Wise Council of Cyber Security Experts | Cyber Security Tech Summit Europe | Virtual | |
76. | 2020 | Invited talk: Sprachassistenten: Unsichtbare und unerwartete Gäste am Tisch? | ITG Workshop Sprachassistenten: Anwendungen, Implikationen, Entwicklungen | Magdeburg, Germany | |
75. | 2019 | Invited expert in DFG Next Generation Research Workshop | DFG | Berlin, Germany | |
74. | 2019 | Invited expert in the hearing "Building Opportunities for Artificial Intelligence in Lower Saxony, Promoting its Applications in Forward-looking Sectors" | Committee for Science and Culture of the Lower Saxony Parliament | Hannover, Germany | |
73. | 2019 | Invited panelist: Is Privacy Regulation Slowing Down or Enabling the Wide Adoption of Pervasive Systems? Panelists: S. Kanhere (UNSW, Australia), Marc Langheinrich, (USI, Switzerland), Archan Misra (SMU, Singapore). Moderation: C. Bettini (UNIMI, Italy) | 17th IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom) | Kyoto, Japan | |
72. | 2018 | Invited talk: IKT und Privatheit: Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze | Transparenz für Nachhaltige Entwicklung: Impulse für Lernprozesse in der Wertschöpfungskette und im Verbraucherverhalten | Ev. Akademie Loccum, Germany | |
71. | 2018 | Invited talk: Privatheit im Zeitalter von Big Data | SNIC – SüdniedersachsenInnovationsCampus | Göttingen, Germany | |
70. | 2018 | Invited panelist: Chancen und Risiken der Digitalisierung/Künstliche Intelligenz | Forschung made in Niedersachsen | Hannover, Germany | |
69. | 2018 | Invited panelist: PerCom 2018 Debate | 16th IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom) | Athens, Greece | |
68. | 2017 | Invited keynote: Privacy in IoT: Current Challenges and Future Directions | 12th International IFIP Summer School on Privacy and Identity Management --- the Smart World Revolution | European Commission's Joint Research Centre, Ispra, Italy | |
67. | 2017 | Invited panelist: Do we Need Smarter Research on Privacy and Data Protection? Panelists: L. Beslay (JRC), K. Vaniea (University of Edinburgh), F. Bieker (ULD). Moderation: I. Schiering (FH Ostfalia) | 12th International IFIP Summer School on Privacy and Identity Management --- the Smart World Revolution | European Commission's Joint Research Centre, Ispra, Italy | |
66. | 2017 | Increasing Impact of Research Results | 2nd Privacy&Us ITN Training Event | Vienna, Austria | |
65. | 2017 | Invited talk: User-centered Privacy Protection in Ubiquitous Computing | Georg-August-Universität Göttingen | Göttingen, Germany | |
64. | 2017 | Invited keynote: Human Factors in Crowd-Assisted Sensing | 4th International Workshop on Crowd Assisted Sensing, Pervasive Systems and Communications (CASPer), PerCom Workshops | Kona, USA | |
63. | 2017 | Invited panelist: Privacy Challenges in Pervasive Living Space | 1st International Workshop on Pervasive Smart Living Spaces (PerLS), PerCom Workshops | Kona, USA | |
62. | 2017 | Invited talk: Opportunities and Risks of Crowdsensing | Presentation series “Motivating Female Students for Science”, DFG Doctoral College 2050: Privacy and Trust for Mobile Users, TU Darmstadt | Darmstadt, Germany | |
61. | 2017 | Invited lecture: Smart Meters, Homes, Buildings, and Grids | Lecture in Security and Privacy in Pervasive Computing, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg | Erlangen, Germany | |
60. | 2017 | Invited talk: User-centered Privacy Protection in Ubiquitous Computing | University of Bamberg | Bamberg, Germany | |
59. | 2017 | Invited talk: User-centered Privacy Protection in Ubiquitous Computing | Albert Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg | Freiburg, Germany | |
58. | 2017 | Invited talk: User-centered Privacy Protection in Ubiquitous Computing | Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus-Senftenberg | Cottbus, Germany | |
57. | 2016 | Job Alerts in the Wild: Study of Expectations and Effects of Location-based Notifications in an Existing Mobile Crowdsourcing Application | 13th Annual International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services (MobiQuitous) | Hiroshima, Japan | |
56. | 2016 | Invited panelist: Networking Networking Women (N^2 Women) Event | IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN) | Dubai, UAE | |
55. | 2016 | OP^4: An OPPortunistic Privacy-Preserving Scheme for Crowdsensing Applications | IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN) | Dubai, UAE | 54. | 2016 | Invited talk: User-centered Privacy Protection in Ubiquitous Computing | Institute for Information Systems Research, University of Koblenz-Landau | Koblenz, Germany |
53. | 2016 | Invited talk: On Leveraging Communication Metadata as Basis for Privacy Settings’ Suggestions | Distinguished Seminar Series, Academic Centre of Excellence for Cyber Security Research, University College London | London, UK | |
52. | 2016 | Invited talk: Exploration of Attitudes to Participatory Sensing Tasks in Location-based Gaming Communities | Networking of Women in Computing, SFB MAKI, TU Darmstadt | Darmstadt, Germany | |
51. | 2016 | Invited speaker: What are the Benefits and Challenges for Female Researchers in Computing to go to Graduate School and get PhD? | Networking of Women in Computing, SFB MAKI, TU Darmstadt | Darmstadt, Germany | |
50. | 2016 | Invited talk: User-centered Privacy Protection in Ubiquitous Computing | Faculty III: School of Economic Disciplines University of Siegen | Siegen, Germany | |
49. | 2016 | Invited talk: User-centered Privacy Protection in Ubiquitous Computing | Faculty of Informatics, Vienna University of Technology | Vienna, Austria | |
48. | 2016 | Invited panelist: From Dawn to Ascension– Successful Women Reveal their Strategies (in German) | Career talks, women&work Congress | Bonn, Germany | |
47. | 2016 | Invited talk: A Method to Bridge the Existing Gap between Usability and Access Control | Bremen Spatial Cognition Center, University of Bremen | Bremen, Germany | |
46. | 2016 | Invited talk: Smart Environments vs. Transparent Users: Quo vadis? (in German) | Ring Colloquium “Digital Challenges – Perspectives on Data Protection and Data Security from Science, Economics, and Politics”, Technische Universität Berlin | Berlin, Germany | |
45. | 2016 | Invited talk: User-centered Privacy Protection in Ubiquitous Computing | Department of Computer Science/Engineering, University of Lübeck | Lübeck, Germany | |
44. | 2016 | Invited keynote: Access Control Management in Mobile Applications | 5th Annual Conference on Enterprise Identity & Access Management | Berlin, Germany | |
43. | 2016 | Invited lecture: Privacy in Participatory Sensing | Lecture in Security and Privacy in Pervasive Computing, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg | Erlangen, Germany | |
42. | 2015 | Can I Help You Setting Your Privacy? A Survey-based Exploration of Users Attitudes towards Privacy Suggestions | 13th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing and Multimedia (MoMM) | Brussels, Belgium | |
41. | 2015 | Show Me Your Phone, I Will Tell You Who Your Friends Are: Analyzing Smartphone Data To Identify Social Relationships | 14th ACM International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia (MUM) | Linz, Austria | |
40. | 2015 | Invited talk: User-centered Privacy Protection in Ubiquitous Computing | Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, and Mathematics | University of Paderborn, Germany | |
39. | 2015 | Threats of Smart Energy Monitoring on Our Privacy: The Case of Smart Meters | 3rd Annual Privacy Workshop on Opportunities and Risks in the Era of the Internet of Things, Quality and Usability Lab, Technische Universität Berlin | Berlin, Germany | |
38. | 2015 | A Distributed Privacy-Preserving Mechanism for Mobile Urban Sensing Applications | 10th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing | Singapore, Republic of Singapore | |
37. | 2015 | Invited teaching demonstration: Authentication in Communication Systems | Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering | Espoo, Finland | |
36. | 2015 | Invited talk: User-centric Privacy Protection in Smart Spaces | Selection seminar for the Daimler Benz Foundation Postdoctoral Scholarships | Ladenburg, Germany | |
35. | 2014 | Invited panelist: External Control or Self-determination – The “Digital Real” World of Tomorrow? | Technology Development and Digital Communication Panel, INCLUSION2025-The Future Congress of Aktion Mensch | Berlin, Germany | |
34. | 2014 | Invited panelist: Who is Responsible for the End User Privacy? | 2nd Annual Privacy Workshop on End-User Privacy: Data Collection, Use, and Disclosure, Quality and Usability Lab, Technische Universität Berlin | Berlin, Germany | |
33. | 2014 | Invited talk: Privacy Awareness and Control in Mobile Participatory Sensing | Workshop on End-User Privacy: Data Collection, Use, and Disclosure, Quality and Usability Lab, Technische Universität Berlin | Berlin, Germany | |
32. | 2014 | Invited talk: Will the Advent of Connected Devices Sound the Death Knell for our Privacy? | LOEWE-Schwerpunkt Social Link (SOLIN), Technische Universität Darmstadt | Darmstadt, Germany | |
31. | 2014 | Usable Privacy for Mobile Sensing Applications | 8th Workshop in Information Security Theory and Practice | Heraklion, Greece | |
30. | 2014 | Invited talk: Selected Solutions for Preserving Users? Privacy in a Increasingly Networked World | Oberseminar Computer Security at Bonn-Aachen International Center for Information Technology | Bonn, Germany | |
29. | 2014 | TrustMeter: A Trust Assessment Scheme for Collaborative Privacy Mechanisms in Participatory Sensing Applications | 9th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing | Singapore, Republic of Singapore | |
28. | 2013 | Raising User Awareness about Privacy Threats in Participatory Sensing Applica- tions through Graphical Warnings | 11th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing and Multimedia | Vienna, Austria | |
27. | 2013 | What’s the Value of your Privacy? Exploring Factors that Influence Privacy-sensitive Contributions to Participatory Sensing Applications | IEEE Workshop on Privacy and Anonymity for the Digital Economy | Sydney, Australia | |
26. | 2013 | On the Efficiency of Privacy-preserving Path Hiding for Mobile Sensing applications | 38th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN) | Sydney, Australia | |
25. | 2013 | Studying Computer Science | Girls’ Day, Mädchen-Zukunfstag | Darmstadt, Germany | |
24. | 2013 | Modern Times – Will Ubiquitous Sensing Eradicate Privacy | A.W.E.S.O.M.E I.T.: Yes, we agree | Amsterdam, The Netherlands | |
23. | 2013 | Privacy in Participatory Sensing – User-controlled Privacy Solutions for Mobile Sensing Applications | PhD defense | Darmstadt, Germany | |
22. | 2013 | Invited talk: Share with Strangers: Privacy Bubbles as User-centered Privacy Control for Mobile Content Sharing Applications | Oberseminar am Lehrstuhl Johannes Buchmann | Darmstadt, Germany | |
21. | 2013 | Invited lecture: Privacy in Participatory Sensing | Lecture in Security and Privacy in Pervasive Computing, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg | Erlangen, Germany | |
20. | 2012 | Invited talk: uSafe: A Privacy-Aware Participative Mobile Application for Citizen Safety in Urban Environments | Workshop on “Emerging Surveillance Techniques for Crime Prevention and Prosecution”, Institute for the Protection and the Security of the Citizen, European Commission’s Joint Research Centre | Ispra, Italy | |
19. | 2012 | Exploring User Preferences for Privacy Interfaces in Mobile Sensing Applications | 11th ACM International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia | Ulm, Germany | |
18. | 2012 | CachedSensing: Exploring and Documenting the Environment as a Treasure Hunt | 7th IEEE International Workshop on Practical Issues in Building Sensor Network Applications | Clearwater, USA | |
17. | 2012 | Invited talk: Mobile Phones Track your Life! Privacy-preserving Solutions for Mobile Sensing Applications | Talk at Digital Interaction, Culture Lab | Newcastle upon Tyne, UK | |
16. | 2012 | Invited lecture: Innocuous Participatory Sensing Applications Endanger Your Privacy: From Threats to Privacy-preserving Solutions | Mobile Sensing Lecture | Darmstadt, Germany | |
15. | 2012 | Privacy Bubbles: User-centered Privacy Control for Mobile Content Sharing Applications | 6th Workshop in Information Security Theory and Practice | Egham, UK | |
14. | 2012 | Friend is Calling: Exploiting Mobile Phone Data to Help Users in Setting their Privacy Preferences | 4th International Workshop on Security and Privacy in Spontaneous Interaction and Mobile Phone Use | Newcastle upon Tyne, UK | |
13. | 2012 | IncogniSense: An Anonymity-preserving Reputation Framework for Participatory Sensing Applications | 10th IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications | Lugano, Switzerland | |
12. | 2012 | Invited panelist: Innocuous Participatory Sensing Applications Endanger Your Privacy: From Threats to Privacy-preserving Solutions | 5th International Conference on Computers, Privacy and Data Protection | Brussels, Belgium | |
11. | 2011 | Privacy-preserving Collaborative Path Hiding for Participatory Sensing Applications | 8th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems | Valencia, Spain | |
10. | 2011 | Privacy for Urban and Participatory Sensing Safety in the City as an Application | Workshop Personal Safety in the City | Paris, France | |
9. | 2011 | We Must Move – We Will Move: On Mobile Phones as Sensing Platforms | 10. GI/ITG KuVS Fachgespräch “Sensornetze” | Paderborn, Germany | |
8. | 2011 | A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words: Privacy-aware and Intuitive Relationship Establishment in Online Social Networks | 3rd International Workshop on Security and Privacy in Spontaneous Interaction and Mobile Phone Use | San Francisco, USA | |
7. | 2010 | Privacy in Participatory Sensing: Work in Progress | Wireless Sensor Network Reading Group | Darmstadt, Germany | |
6. | 2010 | Fine-grained Access Control Enabling Privacy Support in Wireless Sensor Networks | 9. GI/ITG KuVS Fachgespräch “Sensornetze” | Würzburg, Germany | |
5. | 2010 | Privacy in Participatory Sensing | International CONET Summer School “Act‐Control‐Move: Beyond Networked Sensors” | Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany | |
4. | 2010 | Women in Engineering & Computer Science: Personal Experience | Girls’ Day, Mädchen-Zukunfstag | Darmstadt, Germany | |
3. | 2010 | Impenetrable Obscurity vs. Informed Decisions: Privacy Solutions for Participatory Sensing | IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications | Mannheim, Germany | |
2. | 2010 | Privacy Solutions for Participatory Sensing | CASED-Taganrog DAAD Program | Darmstadt, Germany | |
1. | 2009 | Wireless Sensor Networks and the Internet of Things: Selected Challenges | 8. GI/ITG KuVS Fachgespräch “Sensornetze” | Hamburg, Germany |