Graduation projects

How does avant-garde art become classical modernism?
Supervisor: Prof. Langner, Prof. Gipp
Area: Text Mining
Tools: Voyant, Stanford NLP Tools
Task: Compare the way art historians talk about paintings 100 years ago and now based on the publication series "Junge Kunst".

Historical albums with picture postcards
Supervisor: Prof. Langner
Area: Digital Edition
Tools: MySQL and Excel, heuristnetwork, openCV
Task: Make a digital edition of an album and analyse the motifs and locations using a database (and perhaps object recognition).

Lifestyles in chronological comparison: 50 years of IKEA
Supervisor: Prof. Langner
Area: Quantitative Image Type Analysis
Tools: Python, keras, tensorflow, Orange
Task: Reduce the photos in the IKEA catalogue to a few types of images (e.g. family at the dining table, children in the bedroom) and examine their development over the past 50 years.

Acquisition of the SUB collection of historical globes
Supervisor: Prof. Langner
Area: 3D Digitisation
Tools: Metashape, Meshlab, blender
Task: Find suitable methods of 3D-digitisation for these sphaerical objects.

Automatic determination of paper qualities
Supervisor: Prof. Langner
Area: 3D Digitisation
Tools: Structured Light Scanner, Metashape, MeshLab, Python
Task: Develop a workflow to automatically determine the different material qualities of paper (e.g. handmade paper, copperplate paper, etc.) during scanning.

3D shape similarity and resemblance
Supervisor: Prof. Langner
Area: 3D Shape Analysis
Tools: MeshLab, Python
Task: Dimensional comparisons on ancient and post-ancient sculpture based on 3D scans.

Distant Reading and Viewing
Supervisor: Prof. Langner
Area: Multimodality
Tools: Machine Learning (keras, tensorflow), Python, orange, Stanford NLP Tools
Task: Compare mechanisms of story telling using a corpus of Shakespeare illustrations or historical magazines.

Reconstructing ancient lifestyles
Supervisor: Prof. Langner
Area: Social Network Analysis
Tools: gephi, Excel
Task: Use different lists of house inventories from ancient Pompeii (or the Greek city of Olynth) to reconstruct the way of life, social and cultural self-conception and behavior of the inhabitants.

Early Modern Prints
Supervisor: Prof. Wesche
Area: OCR
Tools: Transkribus or OCR4all
Task: Train a model for letter recognition in early modern prints.

Style, motif and meaning in early 20th century art
Supervisor: Prof. Langner
Area: Style Detection
Tools: openCV, Python, keras, tensorflow
Task: Analyse the relationship between styles and motifs in German Expressionism based on 2D image pattern recognition.

Supervisor: Prof. Langner
Area: 3D Modelling
Tools: blender
Task: Create an Avatar for the e-learning application VR4Study.

Historical cycle routes
Supervisor: Prof. Langner
Area: Spatial Analysis
Tools: QGIS
Task: Reconstruction of the bicycle routes from the "Wegweiser durch Mitteldeutschland für Radfahrer" from 1897.

What does good advertising look like?
Supervisor: Prof. Langner
Area: Image Feature Detection
Tools: Fiji (ImageJ) or Python, keras, tensorflow, Orange
Task: Compare formal features of award winning print ads using the Clio-Awards

How much 3D information is contained in depth-of-field photos?
Supervisor: Prof. Langner
Area: 3D-Modelling and 3D Shape Comparison
Tools: Meshlab and Metashape, Python