Teaching philosophy

The fundamental objective of the teaching program is to motivate students to engage both theoretically and practically with the various instruments, processes, and structures of value-oriented corporate management. Thematic examples include the application of different instruments of value-based management, the evaluation of strategies at the corporate and business unit level, and the design of compensation systems for top management.

To achieve this objective, we emphasize a targeted combination of research and practice in teaching. For this purpose, we use, for example, current examples from corporate practice and lectures by practitioners, as well as case studies in lectures and exercises. At the same time, research findings from the chair team and other researchers are incorporated into the lectures, providing students with insights into current research. Furthermore, students are also introduced to modern econometric methods, as a significant part of management and controlling research is now empirical in nature. Typical career fields for graduates include areas such as management consulting, auditing and tax consulting firms, central staff positions in the controlling and strategy departments of large companies, or as executive assistants.