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Of frogs, cooks and future visions

There's plenty to experience in Göttingen during the International Year of Chemistry – from lectures to an open house

(it) Both Unesco's International Year of Chemistry and the 2011 summer lecture series at Göttingen University adhere to the motto: "Chemistry – our life, our future". The Chemistry Faculty of Chemistry will offer a mix of lectures, experiments and other interactive opportunities.

Chemistry is so ubiquitous that it's often not obvious where it plays a role in our daily lives. Speakers will illustrate and bring to life certain aspects during a lecture series that will highlight chemistry's diversity: From the composition of, and active ingredients in, tea, coffee and wine to new materials and active agents. "We want to show what impact chemistry has on our life and what contribution it can make to key future issues such as alternative energy sources or environmentally friendly materials," says Professor Lutz F. Tietze, who is responsible for the lecture series.

Alongside the lectures, there will also be lots of hands-on chemical activities this year. On Saturday, Sept. 24, the Chemistry Faculty of Chemistry will open its doors for an exciting open house for everyone from children to seniors and offer a broad program that includes experiments visitors themselves can perform to a workshop rally. Another joint event with the Göttingen Cooking School will link chemistry and cooking. Participants won't just get a glimpse at the theories of the "molecular kitchen" on July 1, they'll also get the recipes.

Though not to be found in the cooking pots, a tiny green frog has leapt onto flyers and posters as the mascot of the International Year of Chemistry in Göttingen. The frog, information about the events and interesting background information on chemistry is available on the Internet at