SFB 755 - Nanoscale Photonic Imaging
3. funding period 2015/2 - 2019/1
2. funding period 2011/2 - 2015/1
1. funding period 2007/2 - 2011/1
The funding of the SFB 755 ended in 06/2019. This website will not be updated regularly.
We would like to thank all our collaborators, guests, and supporters.
SFB755 aimed at resolving structures and dynamics in space and time on the nanometer scale and on timescales extending over many orders of magnitude down to the femtosecond range.
The SFB755 was structured into three project groups:
A - Visible light beyond limits
B - Spectromicroscopy of complex fluids
C - X-ray optics and imaging
Funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft

Stoßdämpfer für Zellen (Project B07)
(German only, featuring publication Viscoelastic properties of vimentin originate from nonequilibrium conformational changes
Google Maps für das Kleinhirn (Project C01)
(German only, featuring publication Three-dimensional virtual histology of human cerebellum by X-ray phase-contrast tomography
Software (Project B08)