In publica commoda

Presentation of the first proposals as part of the Pro.Admin process on 12 July at the Senate (in German)

No. 34.3 - 10.07.2023

Since May 2022, the University of Göttingen has been working on analysing and improving its administration as part of the Pro.Admin. project.


The goal is a comprehensive organisational analysis of the Central Administration and the Central Facilities, as well as the subsequent implementation of proposals to make university processes more efficient in terms of time and to significantly improve job satisfaction. Almost three months ago, after intensive preparations via several information and discussion events, this process was broaded by involving those at the University and the University’s committees. The University commissioned a consulting firm to conduct this analysis and develop proposals for optimisation in the form of a “Grobzielbild or “rough target image”.


These proposals are now available to the University and will be presented (in German) by the consultancy firm on 12 July 2023 in the part of the Senate meeting which is open to University staff and students. It starts at 14:15. The Senate meeting will take place in the Aula am Wilhelmsplatz and will be broadcast to the nearby Alte Mensa (Wilhelmsplatz 3), so that there will be enough seats to follow the results and the discussion process first-hand. This will ensure the greatest possible transparency in the process.


The results of the analysis and the proposals will be discussed openly in committees. On 22 August 2023, the results will then be presented to the wider University at a “TownHall” meeting and discussed in depth. Only after this phase is completed will it be determined which proposals, if any, can be implemented.


Afterwards, the next phase of the process will be initiated, in which – in a period of about twelve months – the "rough target image" will be further developed, checked for its feasibility and the implementation will be planned or carried out. So far, only the management of the institutions included in the analysis have been informed in advance about the findings of the consultancy firm, so that the discussion process can begin at this point.


Information about the Senate meeting

Wednesday 12 July 2023 starting at 14:15, admission from 13:45.

Aula (Wilhelmsplatz 1)


The first part of the meeting only is open to university staff and students - please bring your university ID if you wish to attend the meeting.

Seating in the auditorium - including in the gallery - is limited. If the seats are full, you will be able to follow the session via video transmission in the Alte Mensa (Wilhelmsplatz 3).


The Personalrat (staff council) will have information stands in the foyers of the Aula and the Alte Mensa.


Further information on Pro.Admin


- Project Sharepoint (internal university only)


- Save-the-Date for the “TownHall” Meeting on 22 August


- Newsletter of the University (scroll down for English): 16.06.2023 // 15.03.2023 // 05.05.2022