In publica commoda

Solidarity with our partners in Israel

No. 47.3 - 10.10.2023

The University of Göttingen strongly condemns the Hamas attacks on Israel and expresses its deepest sympathy for the victims and their families. We are concerned about our partner universities and their staff and students, with whom we have developed close academic and personal relations over the years, especially with the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Our thoughts are with the students and researchers from Israel who are in Göttingen and are currently worried about their friends and relatives, or who have had to experience losses.


The University of Göttingen regards itself as an international institution committed to the peaceful and sustainable coexistence of people and peoples. International law plays a central role in research and teaching and the entire University naturally regards that as part of what we are. We maintain numerous international collaborations in research and teaching with partners all over the world.


The University of Göttingen condemns any form of violence to achieve political or social goals. It clearly distances itself from all parties and organisations that call for prejudice and hatred and stands for diversity and tolerance – zum Wohle aller (for the good of all)!


If you are part of the University and currently in Israel or the Palestinian territories, please contact us if you have not already done so. Please email us on