In publica commoda

The Module System

The structure of the new programmes has changed fundamentally as compared to the traditional degrees of Diplom, Magister Artium, or state examination:

  • Stepped programmes consist of modules, meaning that the programmes are assembled in the manner of a building set from separate, self-contained and harmonised teaching units (modules).
  • A module is an entity as regards content matter, and can consist of different elements such as a lecture, a tutorial, interdisciplinary project work, or a practical.
  • Every module is concluded (not later than) at the end of the semester with a course-related examination and the subsequent issue of credits. In this way, direct feedback regarding the progress of the student is guaranteed.
  • There are no summary examinations at the end of these new programmes. The preparation of the Bachelor’s or Master’s thesis constitutes the last step towards the successful completion of a Bachelor’s or Master’s programme.

Advantages of the Module System

The new, modular structure of the programmes brings with it many advantages:

  • Higher motivation and shorter durations of study due to clear structures and a continuous overview of the personal progress
  • More flexibility and cultivation of individual profiles due to better combinability among the given choices
  • Easier integration and recognition of study achievements completed abroad (e.g. semester abroad)
  • Embedding of all modules into a single programme structure which leads towards the acquisition of the competences needed for the particular degree while leaving sufficient freedom of choice to the students for the cultivation of individual profiles
  • Suitable didactic design of the modules to enhance the ability to identify correlations