In publica commoda

Molecular Medicine (M.Sc.)


International, forward-looking, practice-oriented: The Master's degree course in Molecular Medicine is aimed at highly motivated prospective students from all over the world. The prerequisite is a Bachelor's degree with a scientific or molecular medicine focus. In-depth knowledge is taught in molecular medicine and clinical-theoretical subjects such as immunology, oncology, genetics, pharmacology and cell biology. Particularly noteworthy are the three laboratory internships, each lasting eight weeks. They offer students the opportunity to apply their theoretical knowledge directly in modern laboratories.

Molecular Medicine
Master of Science (M.Sc.)
Language of the programme:
Standard period of study:
4 semesters
winter semester only
limited spaces available (apply directly through faculty)

Get to know us


The Masters program in Molecular Medicine expands upon the scientific and medical knowledge basis acquired in Bachelor programs and explores in depth the molecular aspects of medicine. Its goal is to train students thoroughly in an area of application of molecular medicine. It should enable students to engage in independent and creative research at the crossroads of medicine and basic science.

A graduate of the Master's programme in Molecular Medicine should have solid knowledge of the methods of scientific research as well as be able to apply a wide spectrum of molecular-medical methods to provide concrete solutions to scientific problems.

Our graduates secure positions in all areas of medical research, laboratory diagnostics, and medical biotechnology, in both the academic and the commercial sectors. Places of employment include:

  • clinics: molecular and biochemical diagnostics, clinical research, etc.;
  • government agencies: criminal investigation offices, public health departments, commercial regulatory authorities, environmental protection agencies, medical associations;
  • places of academic research: universities, Max Planck Institutes and other large research institutions;
  • industrial settings: biomedical technology, production and quality control, basic research and development, publishing, marketing, administration;
  • private laboratories: molecular diagnostics and analysis, environmental protection;
  • other institutions: ministries, research advancement organizations, technology transfer facilities

The Master's degree program in Molecular Medicine provides both theoretical content and practical laboratory experience at the highest level. During the Master's program, 3 laboratory rotations provide excellent preparation for working in a research laboratory. For this reason, Göttingen students on the Molecular Medicine program have particularly high success rates when applying for theses, whether for an external Master's thesis or for a subsequent doctorate. Experimental theses can be completed in state-of-the-art laboratories at leading universities in other European countries. This gives Master's students from Göttingen first-class career opportunities in research, industry or clinical practice.

Related and consecutive/graduate programmes


During the first three semesters, molecular medicine content is taught in several compulsory and elective modules. In addition, three laboratory internships of 8 weeks each must be completed during the first three semesters, within the modules M.MM.101, M.MM.102 and M.MM.107.

Regulations and module directory


A proof of measles protection must be provided for enrollment. The form is to be completed by the primary care physician. If you have any questions, please contact the Dean of Medical Students Office


Preliminary studies
  • Applicants must hold a Bachelor's degree or equivalent degree in Molecular Medicine, biology, biochemistry or related fields (but not in medicine) (with at least 180 ECTS)

Language requirements

Non-native English speaking applicants have to demonstrate adequate competence of the English language by acceptable results in an internationally recognized test, for example by:

  • Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)
  • International English Language Testing System (IELTS)
  • Advanced Placement International English Language (APIEL)
  • Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE)
However, participation in the prior stated tests is recommended but not mandatory. The interviewers can evaluate the language skills of the selected candidates during the personal interviews. Furthermore, a proven higher education in English or a reasonably long stay in an English-speaking country is also acceptable.


Academic advising and administration

Dr. Erik Meskauskas and Dr. Johannes Park

Robert-Koch-Str. 40
37075 Göttingen

Phone: +49-551 39 63386
Fax: +49-551 39 66994



Academic coordinator

PD Dr. Werner Albig

Robert-Koch-Str. 40
37075 Göttingen

Phone: +49-551 39 65971
Fax: +49-551 39 66994

