Vorträge auf der 42th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2009)
Vorträge auf der 42th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 2009 (HICSS)
Die Professur für Anwendungssysteme und E-Business ist mit zwei Vorträgen auf der Vorträge auf der 42th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 2009 (HICSS) vertreten.
Lars Thoroe hat zum Thema "Item-Level RFID: Curse or Blessing for Recycling and Waste Management?" referiert:
The vision of widespread item-level RFID (radio frequency identification) essentially means replacing barcode labels on products with electronic components. The ecological effects seem worrying at first glance, but are still largely unclear. In the presented paper, we provide an integrated analysis of both the negative and positive impacts of item-level RFID on waste management. We use the European Union (EU) legislation on waste management as a framework to summarize challenges and point out potential benefits of item-level RFID on waste management and recycling. We deduce the question of the optimum decoupling point as a central issue of this research area.
Der Vortrag von Stefan Bitzer hat sich dem Thema "Mashups as an Architecture for Knowledge Management Systems" gewidmet:
Mashups and their potential and significance for future corporate applications are currently intensively discussed. So far, potential applications of mashups in knowledge management have only started being developed. The potential of mashups as an architecture for knowledge management systems has not been analyzed at all. In order to get a structured view, the presented paper will, in a first step, systemize mashups and derive reference architecture for mashups. In a second step, a scientific analysis of mashups as an architecture for KMS is carried out. Subsequently, the paper will examine integration potentials of mashup components in standardised architectures of KMS. It will be shown that the architectures of mashups and KMS share at lot of similarities. Furthermore, potentials of integration of mashups and KMS can be shown. Finally, this paper gives a summary of mashups as architecture for KMS and presents open research questions