• Anhuf, D., Ledru, M-P., Behling, H., Da Cruz Jr., F.W., Cordeiro, R.C., Van der Hammen, T., Karmann, I., Marengo, J.A., De Oliveira, P.E., Pessenda, L., Siffedine, A., Da Silva Dias, P.L., 2006. Paleo-Environmental Change in Amazonian and African Rainforest during the LGM. - Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 239, 510-527

  • Bauerochse, A. B., Leuschner, H.-H., 2006. Moorhölzer und Archäologie – umweltgeschichtliche und siedlungsarchäologische Befunde. - Ber. Zur Denkmalpflege,2006, 2,40-45

  • Behling, H. and Negrelle, R.R.B., 2006. Vegetation and pollen rain relationship from the tropical Atlantic rain forest in southern Brazil. - Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology, 49, 631-642.

  • Dupont, L. and Behling, H. 2006. Land-sea linkages during deglaciation: high resolution records from the eastern Atlantic off the coast of Namibia and Angola (ODP Site 1078). - Quaternary International, 148, 19-28.

  • Eckstein, J. 2006. Die Moosdiasporenbanken einiger Teiche im Ostthüringer Buntsandsteingebiet. - Herzogia 19: 341-351.

  • Marchant R., Berrio, J.C., Behling, H., Boom, A. and Hooghiemstra, H., 2006. Colombian dry moist forest transitions in the Llanos Orientales - A comparison of model and pollen-based biome reconstructions. - Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 234, 28-44.

  • Miehe, G., Miehe, S., Schlütz, F., Kaiser, K. & L.A. Duo, 2006. Palaeoecological and experimental evidence of former forests and woodlands in the treeless desert pastures of Southern Tibet (Lhasa, A.R. Xizang, China). - Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 242,54-67.

  • Kaiser, K., Miehe, G., Schoch, W. H., Zander, A., Schlütz, F., 2006. Relief, soil and lost forests: Late Holocene environmental changes in southern Tibet under human impact. - Z. Geomorphol. N.F., Suppl. 142: 149-173.

  • Souza Filho, P.W.M., Cohen, M.C.L., Lara, R.J., Lessa, G.C., Koch, B. and Behling, H., 2006. Late Quaternary coastal evolution and facies model of the Bragança macrotidal flat on the Amazon Mangrove Coast, Northern Brazil. - Journal of Coastal Research 39, 306-310

  • Vedel, V., Behling, H., Cohen, M.C.L. and Lara, R.J., 2006. Early Holocene mangrove dynamics and sea-level changes in northern Brazil, inferences from the Taperebal core in northeastern Pará State. - Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, 15, 115-123.