3.2.21: Kolloquium mit Jonas Stier

„Coronavirus – the Swedish experience“

Öffentlicher Vortrag im Rahmen des Institutskolloquiums des Instituts für Diversitätsforschung

Jonas Stier (Universität Mälardalen, Schweden)

3. Februar 2021 // 12:00 – 14:00 // Zoom

In the Covid-19 crisis, “the Swedish model” of dealing with the novel coronavirus has featured heavily in debates in German media and society. In this session, professor Jonas Stier will provide introductory remarks on the case of Sweden. The following discussion will bring together perspectives from Germany and Sweden, with a focus on discourse, the crisis and societal self-conceptions.

Jonas Stier is professor of Social Work at Mälardalen University. His research focuses on identity, discourses, participation, diversity, intercultural interactions, knowledge production and social change (e.g. migration and digitization) - and their consequences for people, groups, organization, and for society as a whole.

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