In publica commoda


Broken symmetries in living matter

Titel der Veranstaltung Broken symmetries in living matter
Reihe MPIDS Colloquium
Veranstalter Living Matter Physics
Referent/in Prof. Dr. Nikta Fakhri
Einrichtung Referent/in Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Physics of Living Systems, Cambridge, MA, USA
Kategorie Forschung
Anmeldung erforderlich Nein
Beschreibung Active processes in living systems create a novel class of nonequilibrium matter composed of many interacting components that individually consume energy and collectively generate motion or me-chanical stress. In this talk, I will discuss experimental tools and conceptual frameworks we develop to uncover laws governing fluctuations, order, and self-organization in systems in which individual components break time reversal symmetry. I will describe how these frameworks provide powerful insight into dynamics of nonequilibrium living systems across scales, from the emergence of ther-modynamic arrow of time to spatiotemporal organization of signaling protein patterns and discovery of odd elasticity.
Zeit Beginn: 10.11.2021, 14:15 Uhr
Ende: 10.11.2021 , 15:15 Uhr
Ort Max-Planck-Institut für Dynamik und Selbstorganisation (MPIDS) (Am Faßberg 17), Meeting ID: 959 2774 3389, Passcode: 651129
Kontakt Prof. Ramin Golestanian
Dateianhang 211110_colloquium_fakhri.pdf