Bewilligte FP6-Projekte
(bis 2006, ohne Universitätsmedizin)
Stand: 24.11.2023
---- Marie-Curie-Projekte an der Universität Göttingen (UGOE)----
CLOSTRIDIA (beendet)
Marie Curie training Conferences and Workshops on Clostridia
Wolfgang Liebl, Institut für Mikrobiologie und Genetik
Instrument: MC-SCF
Priorität: Human Resources and Mobility
Call: FP6-2005-Mobility-4
CODY (beendet)
Conformal Structures and Dynamics
Manfred Denker, Institut für Mathematische Stochastik
Instrument: MC-RTN
Priorität: Human Resources and Mobility
Call: FP6-2005-Mobility-1
When do injected dykes reach the surface to feed eruptions in a volcano? Field observations, numerical modelling, and hazard implications
Agust Gudmundsson, Geowissenschaftliches Zentrum
Instrument: MC-EIF
Priorität: Human Resources and Mobility
Call: FP6-2004-Mobilty-5
HOTSPOTS (beendet)
Understanding and conserving earth's biodiversity hotspots
Gert Wörheide, Geowissenschaftliches Zentrum
Instrument: MC-EST
Priorität: Human Resources and Mobility
Call: FP6-2004-Mobility-2
The Molecular Universe: An interdisciplinary programme on the physics and chemistry of molecules in space
Jürgen Troe, Institut für Physikalische Chemie
Instrument: MC-RTN
Priorität: Human Resources and Mobility
Call: FP6-2002-Mobilitiy-1
QEATA (beendet)
Quick and Easy Access to Tetracycline Antibiotics
Lutz F. Tietze, Institut für Organische und Biomolekulare Chemie
Instrument: MC-IIF
Priorität: Human Resources and Mobility
Call: FP6-2004-Mobility-7
Systematics of Sponges without Mineral Skeleton and its Phylogeographic Implications
Gert Wörheide, Geowissenschaftliches Zentrum
Instrument: MC-OIF
Priorität: Human Resources and Mobility
Call: FP6-2002-Mobility-6
Crystallographic Structure of Acrchaeal F429H2 dehydrogenase and bacterial NADH quinone oxidoreductase subcomplex
Ralf Ficner, Institut für Mikrobiologie und Genetik
Instrument: MC-EIF
Priorität: Human Resources and Mobility
Call: FP6-2002-Mobility-5
Green Chemistry in Supercritical Fluids: Kinetics, Phase Behaviour and Scale Up
Michael Buback, Institut für Physikalische Chemie
Instrument: MC-RTN
Priorität: Human Resources and Mobility
Call: FP6-2002-Mobility-1
TAROT (beendet)
Training & Research on Testing
Dieter Hogrefe, Institut für Informatik
Instrument: MC-RTN
Priorität: Human Resources and Mobility
Call: FP6-2002-Mobility-1
ZOONET (beendet)
Development and evolution of animal form: training modern comparative zoologists
Ernst A. Wimmer, Institut für Zoologie, Anthropologie und Entwicklungsbiologie
Instrument: MC-RTN
Priorität: Human Resources and Mobility
Call: FP6-2002-Mobilitiy-1
---- Koordination an der Universität Göttingen (UGOE) ----
DRIVSCO (beendet)
Learning to emulate perception action cycles in a driving school scenario
Florentin Wörgötter, Computational Neuroscience
Instrument: STREP
Priorität: Information, Societies, Technologies
Call: FP6-2002-IST-C
GABARDINE (beendet)
Groundwater Artifical recharge Based on Alternative sources of wateR: aDvanced Integrated technologies aNd managEment
Martin Sauter, Geowissenschaftliches Zentrum
Instrument: STREP
Priorität: Sustainable development, global change and ecosystems
Call: FP6-2004-Global-3
---- Beteiligung der Universität Göttingen (UGOE) -----
ALTER-NET (beendet)
A long-term Biodiversity: Ecosystems & Awareness Research Network
Michael Bredemeier, FZ Waldökosysteme
Instrument: NoE
Priorität: Sustainable development, global change and ecosystems
Call: FP6-2002-Global-1
ARRIVAL (beendet)
Algorithms for Robust and on-line Railway optimization: Improving the Validity and reliAbility of Large-scale systems
Anita Schöbel, Institut für Numerische und Angewandte Mathematik
Instrument: STREP
Priorität: Information, Societies, Technologies
Call: FP6-2002-IST-C
BIOXHIT (beendet)
Biocrystallography (X) on a Highly Integrated Technology Platform for European Structural Genomics
George M. Sheldrick, Institut für Anorganische Chemie
Instrument: IP
Priorität: Life sciences, genomics and biotechnology for health
Call: FP6-2002-Lifescihealth
DAIDALOS II (beendet)
Designing Advanced network Interfaces for the Delivery and Administration of Location independent, Optimised personal Services
Dieter Hogrefe, Institut für Informatik
Instrument: IP
Priorität: Information, Societies, Technologies
Call: FP6-2004-IST-4
DELOS (beendet)
Network of Excellence on Digital Libraries
Stefan Strathmann, SUB
Instrument: NoE
Priorität: Information, Societies, Technologies
Call: FP6-IST-2002-1
DIABR-ACT (beendet)
Harmonise the strategies for fighting Diabrotica virgifera virgifera
Stefan Vidal, Institut für Pflanzenpathologie und Pflanzenschutz
Instrument: SSA
Priorität: Policy orientated research
Call: FP6-2004-SSP-4
DRIVER (beendet)
Digital Repository Infrastructure Vision for European Research
Norbert Lossau, SUB
Instrument: STREP
Priorität: Information, Societies, Technologies
Call: FP6-2005-IST-5
ENABLE (beendet)
Enabling efficient and operational mobility in large heterogeneous IP networks
Dieter Hogrefe, Institut für Informatik
Instrument: STREP
Priorität: Information, Societies, Technologies
Call: FP6-2004-IST-4
EPOCH (beendet)
European Research Network on Excellence in Processing Open Cultural Heritage
Werner Kreisel, Geographisches Institut
Instrument: NoE
Priorität: Information, Societies, Technologies
Call: FP6-2002-IST-1
EVOLTREE (beendet)
Evolution of trees as drivers of terrestrial biodiversity
Reiner Finkeldey, Institut für Forstgenetik und Forstpflanzenzüchtung
Instrument: NoE
Priorität: Sustainable development, global change and ecosystems
Call: FP6-2004-Global-3
GOFOR (beendet)
New Modes of Governance for Sustainable Forestry in Europe
Max Krott, Institut für Forstpolitik
Instrument: STREP
Priorität: Policy orientated research
Call: FP6-2002-SSP-1
IDEMA (beendet)
Impact of Decoupling & Modulation in the Enlarged Union: A sectoral farm level assessment
Martin Banse, Institut für Agrarökonomie
Instrument: STREP
Priorität: Policy orientated research
Call: FP6-2002-SSP-1
INFLUS (beendet)
Integrated Microfluidic Bench Technologies for Active Control of Unconventional Fluid by Functionalised Material Interface of Complex Geometry Microchannels
Marcus Müller, Institut für Theoretische Physik
Priorität: Nanotechnologies and nanosciences, knowledge-based multifunctional materials, and new production processes and devices
Call: FP6-2004-NMP-TI-4
KASS (beendet)
Kinship & Social Security
Heidi Rosenbaum, Institut für Kulturanthropologie
Instrument: STREP
Priorität: Citizens and governance in a knowledge-based society
Call: FP6-2002-Citizens-3
LEGAL-IST (beendet)
Legal Issues for the Advancement of Information Society Technologies
Gerald Spindler, Juristisches Seminar
Instrument: SSA
Priorität: Information, Societies, Technologies
Call: FP6-2002-IST-1
MAX-INF 2 (beendet)
European Macromolecular Crystallography Infrastructure Network 2
George M. Sheldrick, Institut für Anorganische Chemie
Instrument: CA
Priorität: Research infrastructures (RICA)
Call: FP6-2002-Infrastructures-1
MING-T (beendet)
Titel: Multistandard integrated network convergence for global mobile and broadcast technologies
Dieter Hogrefe, Institut für Informatik
Instrument: STREP
Priorität: IST
Call: FP6-2005-IST-6
Engineering Light Induced Charge Transfer: a first step towards inorganic photosyntesis
Angela Rizzi, IV. Physikalisches Institut
Programm: ERA-NET NanoSci-ERA
PACO-PLUS (beendet)
Perception, Action & Cognition through Learning of Object-Action Complexes
Florentin Wörgötter, Computational Neuroscience
Instrument: IP
Priorität: Information, Societies, Technologies
Call: FP6-2004-IST-4
REWERSE (beendet)
Reasoning on the Web with Rules and Semantics
Wolfgang May, Institut für Informatik
Instrument: NoE
Priorität: Information, Societies, Technologies
Call: FP6-2002-IST-1
SOFTCOMP (beendet)
Soft Matter Composites - An approach to nanoscale functional materials
Tim Salditt, Institut für Röntgenphysik
Instrument: NoE
Priorität: Nanotechnologies and nanosciences, knowledge-based multifunctional materials, and new production processes and devices
Call: FP6-2002-NMP-1